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The dangerous use that can be given to FaceApp

FaceApp is the new app that shows you how you can look younger or older in few minutes. However, it can be unfriendly to use.

This popular app can make your face look 20, 30 or 40 years older or regress it to a younger age. The application is not new, since it was previously part of Snapchat, however, it has recently been made available to users for iOs and Android, so it can be used on both iPhones and Smartphones.

In the last seven days, the app has already been downloaded more than 80 million times worldwide, so right now everyone is using it.

FaceApp is driving the whole world crazy and making it older and younger.

How to use FaceApp?

First you have to download the application on your cell phone from GooglePlay or App Store. Once installed, you must select a photo stored on your cell phone or take a selfie. Then apply the different FaceApp filters such as age, dyes, hair type, tattoos, glasses, etc. You can even see what you would look like as a woman or a man!

It's a fun way to travel back in time to look younger or older, although this also has its risks. Well, it can be used for unholy purposes.

FaceApp alters your features using a form of artificial intelligence or deep generative convolutional neural networks to show you that aged look on your face.

The application uses a base of millions of faces stored in the digital ocean to make changes to your image until it offers you a final result that is incredibly natural.

But it has some drawbacks. Which are? Basically the same as with other applications. The use of information.

Facial recognition is fast becoming one of the key elements of digital identity and therefore people should consider protecting their facial image in the same way that they should protect other elements of their identity, such as their date of birth, taxpayer number and other information.

The app was created by Wireless Lab, a St. Petersburg, Russia-based company run by engineer Yaroslav Goncharov. Everything FaceApp collects is used to sell advertising or for future facial recognition. If at any time the application is sold to another country or company, your information will pass into the hands of the new owner, as it happens with any other application.

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