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United Kingdom will provide support to Colombia to manage Venezuelan migration

On Monday, the Colombian president, Ivan Duque, met with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Theresa May, in search of a collaboration that helps to improve the relationship between the two countries and, above all, to facilitate medical attention to Venezuelan migrants in Colombian territory.

Since 2016, the UN has been reporting the number of Venezuelan exiles, the last report of 2019 was more than 4 million; the unofficial figures exceed 5 million.

Only in the coffee country there are, according to the institution of Migration of Colombia, 1.3 million Venezuelans.

Thousands of Venezuelans cross the border into Colombia.

"Many migrants have gone to Colombian hospitals for care and since they are not insured they end up growing debts", commented Ivan Duque after the meeting with Theresa May.

Iván Duque on Twitter

The discussions of both leaders about Venezuela

Ivan Duque said that the Venezuelan situation was also discussed politically.

"It can be quite emphatic that any solution begins first with the cessation of usurpation and the dictatorship, second that the transitional government becomes and third that there is a call for free elections", he said.

Recall the route that the President in Charge of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, has chosen to follow since he swore before the Venezuelan constitution to hold office on January 23.

Cessation of the usurpation (the end of Maduro), transition government (for 1 year) and free elections (after cleaning all the institutions and restoring the electoral registry abroad)

In relation to this, Ivan Duque noted:

"I think that's something we share with the United Kingdom."

About the peace process in Colombia

The Colombian president himself assured that Prime Minister Theresa Ma, "He has backed the agenda that we have to guarantee that the people who are in the reincorporation can make that step from the path of violence to the path of legality ".

The first agreement was signed by the former president of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos. In that first agreement of 2016, it was advocated for a peace process that would last two and a half years.

The current president, Ivan Duque, estimates a figure far removed from the previous one; Seven to eight years is the process that considers due to the complexity of the case.

They also talked about bilateral trade and progress on issues such as technology, the environment and the creative industries.

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Teacher, writer, human rights activist and martial artist.

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