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The most delicious decorated Christmas cookies

Christmas cookies

In the holiday season there is no better way to set the home with a festive atmosphere, and making delicious Christmas cookies for the whole family. These cookies are very simple to make and with few ingredients, so you don't need a big budget to make them.

That is why below, we explain how to make decorated Christmas cookies for the whole family.

Christmas cookie ingredients

For the cookies

  • 500 grams of wheat flour.

  • 250 grams of butter.

  • 250 grams of powdered sugar.

  • 2 whole eggs

  • 1 egg yolk.

  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt.

  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder (royal).

For the frosting

  • 300 grams of royal icing.

  • Water, necessary quantity.

  • Gel dyes.

  • Pastry sleeves.

Steps for making decorated Christmas cookies

Note: We will divide the process into several parts.

Preparation of the dough

  1. Sift the flour, together with the powdered or powdered sugar, dropping it into a large bowl. This procedure should be done at least three times to ensure that the flour is light and without lumps.

  2. Next, sift the baking powder.

  3. Place the flour and other freshly sifted ingredients in a food processor or mixer, followed by the eggs and butter (preferably room temperature).

  4. Turn the mixer or food processor on to medium speed, so they blend together. If you do it on the work table with your hands, you must integrate very quickly so that it integrates and prevent the butter from melting.

  5. While beating, add the salt and let the ingredients blend into a batter. If you notice that there is flour on the walls of the food processor, stop the machine and integrate with a paddle to then continue beating.

  6. When you get a homogeneous dough, move to a smooth surface with parchment or parchment paper. With this we can spread the dough without having to take the ball-shaped dough to the refrigerator.

  7. Flatten the dough a bit with the trowel, then place a new waxed paper on top.

  8. With the help of a rolling pin, spread the dough with the waxed paper, leaving it as thick as you want.

  9. Once the dough is ready, place the flattened dough on a tray or tray and put the dough in the refrigerator for about two hours or until cool and hard to work.

Stretch the dough

Cut the cookies and bake them

  1. Once the dough is ready, remove the waxed paper from the dough, being careful not to break the dough, or the paper.

  2. With the help of cutters or molds, cut the cookies, calculating the dough well, in order to get as many shapes as possible with this amount of dough.

  3. While you cut the cookies, preheat the oven to 180º C.

  4. Prepare a tray with waxed paper and place the freshly cut cookies on it.

  5. With the remaining dough, knead again and roll it out with the rolling pin. Cut the shapes again and prepare a new tray with waxed paper. Next, place the new, freshly cut shapes there.

  6. Lift the cookies onto the baking sheet and let them cook for 15 to 20 minutes with heat on top and bottom. But, you don't need to use the fan.

  7. When you notice that the cookies are golden, remove the cookies from the oven.

  8. Let them cool before decorating.

Cut the cookies
Baked cookies

Making the glaze

  1. Place the 300 grams of royal icing in a large bowl and pour only a couple of tablespoons of water into the bowl.

  2. Begin beating and keep adding the water as you beat until the frosting is creamy. Ideally, it should be watered down, as this will fill the cookies.

  3. Separate the previous mixture into 5 containers or according to the number of colors you have to decorate.

  4. In each of these containers with the mixture, pour a few drops of food coloring and mix. Repeat this process with each of the mixing containers until you get 5 mixtures with different colors.

  5. Repeat the process from steps 1 and 2, but this time the glaze should be thicker, so you should use less water than with the first mix.

Cream 1
Cream 2

Cookies decoration

  1. Transfer each of the mixes to a different piping bag very quickly before they harden. Tie a knot in the sleeve and cut off the end of the sleeve. For this case, it is best to use disposable piping bags. Another option is to use a ziplock bag.

  2. Transfer the thicker mixture to a piping bag.

  3. Decorate the cookies to your liking, drawing the cookies with the pastry hand and making shapes according to the theme. Example, snowflakes, Christmas trees, among others.

  4. If you want to add glitter or some other dry decoration to the cookies, you should do it while the frosting is still cool so that it sticks.

  5. You should also know that to put a new color in the decoration of the cookies, you must wait for the first one to dry. The time to wait for the cookies to dry is at least three hours.

  6. To make a complete filling, that is to say that the cream is distributed over the entire surface, you can distribute with a toothpick or by moving the cookie a little.

  7. You should know that you should not stick the tip of the sleeve to the cookies when decorating, but that it must be done freehand, so that the glaze does not get dragged.

  8. Before bagging, serving, or eating, the cookies should ideally dry at least overnight to make them perfect.

Cookies decoration

Conclusions of the Christmas cookies

Decorated Christmas cookies are a true classic in Christmas traditions, especially in North America, where they are served with hot cocoa. In addition, they are very simple to make and ideal to do as a family and have a good time.

That is why we urge you to try to make this recipe at home or share it on your social networks.

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