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How to remove unwanted cellulite?

How to get rid of unwanted cellulite

Cellulite is generated by a mixture of water, fat and toxins accumulated in the hypodermis. Over time, fat becomes harder and prevents blood from circulating properly.

The legs are the areas of the body that are most affected by orange peel skin. This generates certain insecurities or complexes in some women and forces them to even change their style.

It is important to take into account certain tips to eliminate cellulite in this area, before thinking about hiding them or not enjoying beach days enough.

This aesthetic condition could be caused by genetic inheritance or hormonal problems. However, in most cases they are connected to bad habits such as a sedentary lifestyle or inadequate nutrition.

Estrogen production is one of the causes of the appearance of cellulite on the legs and other areas of the body. For this reason, exercise is the best friend to avoid cellulite, since it reduces the excesses of this hormone.

How to remove cellulite from the thighs or legs?

Good nutrition

The way you eat is important at this stage, as it helps to win the battle against cellulite. That is why a balanced and nutrient-rich diet is essential.

Eat slow

The first rule of balanced nutrition is that food should be chewed well and slowly.

This process produces the segregation of an enzyme that allows food to be digested in a better way and hunger is decreased considerably.

Reduce salt intake

This condiment generates fluid retention and this is one of the great allies of cellulite.

In this case it is recommended to use sea salt in meals. Also, the use of less salt and more spices.

stay hydrated

Daily, you should consume two liters of water. Doing it outside of meals has a greater impact on the body. Packaged juices, sugary or carbonated drinks should be eliminated from the diet.

It is recommended that coffee be replaced by infusions of mint, chamomile or green tea, as they are much healthier.

A trick to purify the body is to consume, before breakfast, a glass of water with squeezed lemon.

Toning exercise and aerobics

These exercises are the most recommended. Water sports, such as swimming, help eliminate cellulite because they are responsible for strengthening the legs.

In this way, the person can lose weight and obtain a better figure, in addition to enjoying a moment of entertainment.

walk daily

Going for a walk an hour a day or cycling, yoga or spinning also helps to strengthen any type of anti-cellulite treatment that is being carried out.

In these activities , impact aerobic exercises should be avoided, since jumping can fix cellulite on the body.

Avoid crossing your legs

Avoid spending a lot of time sitting cross-legged. This causes circulation to be affected.

If it is necessary to remain in the seat for a long time, it is recommended that the person get up every half hour and take a short walk.

Skin care

A beauty tip would be to keep the skin exfoliated and hydrated. In addition, it is recommended to moisturize the skin with body or olive oil and apply it with a small circular massage, daily.

How to get rid of cellulite with home remedies?

If you are looking for how to eliminate cellulite home remedies, let me tell you that you have come to the best place, here I will show you how.

homemade compresses

Climbing ivy and sage are therapeutic herbs that help fight cellulite. These accounts with great anti-inflammatory properties.

A wet towel with the following mixture should be applied to the area affected by cellulite:

Two large fists of sage and two of climbing ivy are placed in two liters of water. This must be left macerating for 24 hours to strain it and leave only the liquid.


The caffeine in coffee allows fat cells to redistribute themselves in the body, as it reduces the appearance of cellulite.

For this homemade solution , a cream must be prepared with ¼ coffee powder, ¾ olive oil and ½ cup sugar. From this mixture a cream will be generated. With this mixture the affected area is massaged and should be used 3 to 5 times a week.


The daily consumption of this fruit helps to eliminate cellulite, since it allows better circulation.

This fruit, being rich in potassium , improves the lymphatic system and helps improve fluid circulation, in addition to cleansing the body of impurities and toxins.

Horse tail

It is recommended to drink a cup of horsetail infusion a day, adding a little sugar to obtain a more pleasant taste.

For this, two tablespoons of dried and crushed horsetail should be boiled for two or three minutes in a liter of water. Then, it must rest for 15 minutes and strain.

This herb helps eliminate toxins from the body and fights fluid retention.

Apple vinager

This product prevents fat from accumulating, favoring the elimination of toxins and helps to firm the skin.

For this you must prepare : 2 liters of water, 1 small tablespoon of honey or sweetener and 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Every day, fasting, you should drink a glass of this mixture.

In addition to these tips, it is suggested to consume special foods that help fight cellulite such as : vegetables, fruits, whole grains, oatmeal, olive oil and infusions.

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