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The best countries for nature tourism

Natural environments that will captivate you.

Nature is an indispensable part of planet earth and of life in general, all living beings are linked by a cycle that guarantees the preservation of species. The human being has forgotten the conservation of natural areas due to the advancement of technology, therefore, every day the negative alterations caused to the environment are noticed more.

Many countries have implemented measures such as the creation of parks or nature reserves, in order that humans do not further harm ecosystems and reduce dayos. Some centuries ago this type of alteration was not seen, because the human being lived among nature and understood the need to depend on it.

The diversity of natural landscapes is very great, so that each person can choose the destination that best suits them according to their own tastes. Among them, the environments of mountains, snow and / or beaches stand out.

France: The country of France has a large number of extremely beautiful natural landscapes, especially for its characteristic romantic style. In the south seas there are 35 islands with fascinating landscapes, the place has been named as "the gardens of the south of France" and is usually very visited due to the ecotourism that the area offers in order to protect the environment.

The combination between the tonalities of the sea and the vivid colors of nature on the islands give an unimaginable touch to the landscape, there you can perform different types of activities that are ideal for tourists. the most common are diving and acrobatics in the water with the help of boats, in addition to enjoying the landscape while sunbathing.

The reefs are full of corals that have been carefully preserved, in order to preserve the life of the fish and the color of the landscape. A little beyond the calm reefs, are the areas that have been carefully dedicated to feeding sharks or rays, tourists usually carry out this type of act with due supervision and compliance with the established regulations.

The safest ways to enjoy the beach in cases where complete families travel are completely natural pools. These spaces are ideal for children to enjoy a natural habitat with the minimum of dangers. Thanks to the precautions taken in support of the ecotourism, these areas have perfectly preserved both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, without suffering serious alterations.

Botswana: The great variety of animal species is the main characteristic of the African continent, in which the country of Botswana is located. The majesty of the landscapes within this territory is splendid, especially if one takes into account that it is a land well known for its drought and arid conditions.

There is no doubt that the best place for sightseeing is the Okavango Delta, a river internationally recognized for being the only one to flow into a desert. Due to the abundance of the river and despite belonging to the feline family (where all animals abhor water almost completely), lions have been forced to learn to swim in order to marry new prey that are normally found. on the other side of the river.

In addition to this, there are elephants, leopards, buffalo, giraffes, zebras, rhinos, among other animals that come to the area to take advantage of the water. You can tour the entire place by land or air transport, both have extra-strategic stops and provide tourists with the best views of the landscape with their animals.

Due to the beasts that inhabit the place, it never hurts to take proper precautions with the area, especially in areas inhabited by lions and crocodiles. According to studies carried out in this territory, crocodiles are the second animals to cause the most deaths in Africa.

The best way to enjoy your stay in the area is by renting one of the cabins created especially for the purpose of entertaining the travelers, they are not really very large, but they have all the necessary comforts. In the stays of this place you can enjoy the rustic finishes originating in the area, together with the comfort of an excellent hotel.

New Zealand: New Zealand has a temperate climate, which can be seen mainly in the mountains of the Alps. It stands out for the snow and glaciers that form in the winter seasons, which freeze the lakes to the point of allowing one or more people to walk on them. To visit this place it is necessary to be completely prepared, you should not go drastically from a hot climate to a temperate one or it would end up seriously affecting the health of the person. As for accommodation, there are hotels built in a country style that give the required attention, providing good service and ensuring the safety of hikers. There are very few inhabitants of the place, due to the remoteness of the area. It is also necessary to highlight that facing the place and / or exploring it must be a meticulously calculated action, so that one is prepared for any unforeseen event. However, the beauty of the landscape and the climate are very difficult to overcome

Venezuela: Venezuela is one of the nations with the most variety in landscapes and tourist places, in this country it can be found from the mountains with snow, to the desert areas. Among the main attractions is the Angel Falls, a place that has been especially observed by the entertainment world, the Disney company used it for films such as: "Up", dinosaurs, among others. The Santo Ángel is located within the territory of Canaima Park, which has been declared as a national heritage and even, almost entered the list of the seven wonders of the world. To observe the top of this place it is necessary to use an air transport vehicle, since the crossing by land is extremely dangerous.

The beauty of nature is in every step that the human being takes, landscapes and attractions are found anywhere, although the deterioration is considerable, due to this, environmental movements around the world, place great emphasis on the conservation of all natural areas

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