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Labrador Retriever: exotic robot to make your life easier

The exotic robot "Labrador Retriever" was one of the great revelations of the last CES 2022.

One of the most interesting proposals at CES 2022 has undoubtedly been that of Labrador Systems, with its Labrador Retriever domestic robot.

This has given way to a series of questions that technology lovers have begun to ask. Can it be of use? Does it work in a home? How safe is it to have it?

Thinking of clarifying all these unknowns, we have compiled relevant information on every detail of this great robot. Read on to find out a little more about it and find out if you want to have a little assistant at home.

How does the Labrador Retriever work?

To understand the operation of this robot, it is necessary to know a little more about its specifications. Briefly, it has the shape of a table, allowing you to place things on your countertop.

Additionally, it can move without problems thanks to its wheels and adapt to any height with its elevation system. Finally, it has a drop-down tray that does most of the main functions.

Overview of the structure of the innovative Labrador Retriever robot in all its glory.

With this base, we can continue to describe a little the capabilities of this interesting artifact.

Interesting skills related to your design

We start by talking about its mobility, designed with wheels that adapt to all types of ground and proximity sensors, the Retriever can move freely.

Ultimately, this allows you to reach multiple places just by calling it or making a voice command on your mobile or the built-in screen.

On the other hand, its upper part works as a tray that you can fill with whatever you want and place it for the robot to transport it. In addition to this, it has the possibility of raising and lowering to adapt to any table.

In the end, he manages to locate the tray at any point that is assigned to him. Indeed, this is a detail that prevents the user from making efforts to lift and relocate their things on another worktop.

Voice command is one of the best-worked specifications, as it allows the robot to move around the house with simple commands. It is only necessary to say "go to the kitchen" so that it moves without problems there.

Amazon Alexa is one of its components that make it an extremely attractive product.

The association with Alexa is one of the foundations of its excellent voice recognition system. The touch screen for manual control is the icing on this cake full of innovative technology.

Who is it designed for?

Although there are no restrictions to take advantage of the characteristics of the Labrador Retriever, the company has focused its design on a group of disabled people.

The functions that the robot includes allow the efforts to be quite minimal and that transporting food or something else is simple. Anyone could give this great friend a place to entertain himself while being useful since the home fits very well.

Undeniably, this is a safe robot, as the entire system is covered. It is also capable of getting wet or splashed and there is no risk of falling.

The Labrador Retriever was born to be the perfect companion for those with disabilities.

With these characteristics, it could be said that it is a device suitable for the whole family. Basically, from the smallest to those who need a little help, they will be able to enjoy its performance.

Should the home be adapted to include it?

Considering having a Labrador Retriever at home requires some preparation, above all, because it is a team of excellent and timely assistance.

The first thing you will have to do is adjust the paths it will travel, determining where it should go and what it should do. As an accessory, the trays you carry will have to be in an accessible place, thinking that you can pick them up.

Functions such as collecting food in the fridge will depend on the improvements made to your home. It is also pertinent that you know that this team can follow you, so you will have to walk through places where it is easy to access.

Imagine having the opportunity to ship all your stuff to one site without charging it, one command and the Labrador Retriever is on its way.

It is known that people in wheelchairs are the best adapted for the spaces. In that aspect, Retriever measures more or less the same as a chair.

The measurements of the Labrador Retriever are compact and adapt to the environment it will go through.

Just by opening up a little space for him to move around easily, you'll have an unbeatable helper at home. Finally, it is good to mention that this equipment is already in production, you can order it through the brand's website.

A summary of the advantages of the Labrador Retriever robot

The advantages of the robot in question have been implicit throughout the text. However, for your delight, an expedited and specific list will be put together for each one of them. In this way, you will not feel lost among so much information provided.

All things at your fingertips

The robot lives up to its name. In general, using his voice command you will be able to have him by your side in a few seconds. It means that it will come to your call as if it were a real Labrador retriever under normal conditions.

precise navigation

One of the qualities of the robot is its patented navigation system, owned by the company Labrador Systems. Without a doubt, it is designed to move algorithmically between any space, avoiding obstacles. Even so, it is advisable to prepare the home beforehand.

Among other features, it easily detects the user's position, stopping at a safe distance from him. At the same time, it automatically adjusts its height, granting quick access to the products it transports.

Programming, capacity, and optimization

For one thing, scheduling will grant the ability to send objects at a specific time. All these options can be carried out through its practical and intuitive mobile application or touch screen.

In other circumstances, its capacity is an issue of how much weight it can safely carry. Within that section, it can be transported with up to 25 pounds inside in a dynamic way.

Finally, optimization is its fundamental premise. Thanks to this quality, it will improve the quality of life of people with chronic or self-limited pain due to some disability.

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Estudiante de Medicina. Redactor SEO, creador y diseñador de contenido para redes sociales con más de 3 años de experiencia.

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