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Delicious mussels with tomato recipe to share

Mussels with tomato

Recipes in the "marinera" style, such as the one we will present, are a delight to the palate, thanks to the fact that it provides a flavor that nostalgically reminds us of the sea. It is in particular, it is made with a sauce that enhances the particular flavor of the sea in your mouth.

The sauce is made with minced garlic, wine, parsley, and fish broth. However, there are those who make it with fried tomatoes or even let their imagination run wild, they provide unparalleled ingredients such as mushroom sauce. Either way, the result is simply delicious thanks to the flavor provided by the mussels.

A great option for this recipe is to use authentic Galician mussels, as this is a typical Spanish recipe.

However, if you do not have these at your disposal because you cannot find them in your local market, you can still buy the mussels from your locality. But, it is best to be fresh and not frozen.

Next, we will explain how you can prepare this recipe in a simple way.

Ingredients of the mussels with tomatoes

  • 2 kilograms of fresh mussels.

  • Four ripe tomatoes.

  • Three minced garlic cloves.

  • One medium onion, chopped.

  • A tablespoon of breadcrumbs.

  • A bunch of parsley.

  • A glass of dry sherry.

  • Olive oil, the amount you think is necessary.

  • Salt to taste.

Technical details of the recipe

  • The arrangement of the ingredients is for 4 people.

  • The level of difficulty of this recipe is easy, because you do not need to be an expert in the kitchen for this recipe to be perfect.

  • The preparation time of this recipe is just 40 minutes, so it will be perfect for preparing a quick meal.

  • The number of calories per serving is 213.

Recommendations before starting to make your recipe

  • When cooking the mussels, do not throw the water where you prepare them, but the ideal thing is to filter it and reserve it for the broth of your sauce later.

  • In case you buy ready-made mussels, you should be careful when opening the packaging. This is because you can use the water in which they are packaged for the preparation of the sauce.

  • Also, you must be careful to buy fresh mussels and that they are not of doubtful origin, but that they are well preserved. This is because mussels that are not well preserved can cause poisoning.

  • Try to include the freshest vegetables for the preparation of this recipe.

Preparation of the recipe for Mussels with tomato

  1. The first thing to do is clean the mussels very carefully. This is because these mollusks remain attached to the surface of the rocks in the ocean. Therefore, they always have something attached to the shell.

  2. After washing in cold water, leave the mussels in clean salted water for about an hour. After an hour, change the water again and remove the whiskers and debris from the surface.

  3. Discard mussels that are open, as they are damaged because they are not fresh.

  4. Place the mussels in a drainer and leave for a few more minutes under the tap. Then let them dry a bit.

  5. Add oil to a saucepan and let it heat up over medium heat. Later, when you notice the hot oil, sauté the onions and when they are transparent add the tomatoes previously peeled and chopped.

  6. Let this mixture cook very well for about 15 minutes and once this time has passed, add the mussels.

  7. In a mortar, add the previously peeled garlic and mash them, then add the parsley and a little salt and also mash and stir this mixture well.

  8. Add the previous mixture to the mussels, and to these add the breadcrumbs and sherry.

  9. Cover the saucepan and cook for about 10 minutes, or until you start to notice that the mussels are opening.

  10. Remove the empty shell from the mussels, place them in a platter and later cover with the resulting sauce.

  11. Serve the mussels and eat them hot.

  12. A good option is to garnish with a little chopped parsley on top and in the center of the plate with a small bunch of parsley.

Preparation of mussels with tomato

Additional Tips for a Perfect Mussel Recipe

As you may have noticed, the salt that is added is only to the garlic paste, since it is not ideal to add too much salt, since the mussels are rich in salt. In fact, for every 100 grams of these, there are about 300 milligrams of salt.

That is why if you are used to consuming large amounts of salt, you can add it while cooking the sauce, constantly testing according to your taste.

However, it is not advisable to consume so much sodium. A better option is to replace it with a few drops of lemon.

The nutritional values you should know about mussels

These have been part of the diet of human beings for centuries. In addition, you can get this food in practically any part of the world, but in particular, it is believed that in Galicia they are the best.

Each of these mollusks provides just 72 calories, while they provide up to 18 grams of protein.

That is, it is ideal for those who are on diets as it is rich in protein and low in calories. In fact, it turns out to be a better option than yogurts.

The best ones also provide 80 milligrams of calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron, and potassium. In addition to this, they are not ideal for people who have problems with uric acid, because they provide 112 milligrams of purine.

Another of its advantages is that they are very low in fat and sugar, since of these they only provide 2 grams of calories and 3.5 grams of sugar. Regarding vitamins and nutrients, its nutritional information is summarized as follows:

  • 200 grams of phosphorus.

  • 54 grams of vitamin A.

  • 10 grams of vitamin K.

  • 3 milligrams of vitamin B3.

It is for all this that mussels are considered one of the most complete and healthy foods.

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Ideas of healthy, delicious and not boring cooking recipes, for the day to day or for a special occasion. For those who love cooking