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How to get collagen naturally?

How to get collagen naturally?

Over the years, collagen becomes a topic of great interest to everyone, because our body begins to show signs of wear. Most of its treatments are not cheap at all, so it is good to know how to obtain it naturally.

The ideal is not to wait until you urgently need collagen, but to strengthen its production continuously, and this can be achieved with some foods.

Here you will discover what nature offers to keep your collagen levels at their highest capacity, without needing Botox or Microneedling. Be very attentive to each piece of advice, since here you have the formula to see yourself younger.

Foods that promote your collagen production

Onion, foods that promote collagen production

What we eat will define many areas of our future state, and if we seek to have a firm and smooth skin, then we must know exactly what foods favor us the most.

If you are looking for natural collagen, start by adding the following to your diet.


It is one of the most essential protein sources for the human body, but it is also one of the foods that most favors the natural production of collagen.

It also helps bone strengthening, which is why it should be included in our weekly diet.

As a curious fact, its greatest source of collagen is found in the membrane that is attached to the shell, it has up to 40% of the collagen in the egg.

To consume it, it is allowed to dry, then it is pulverized and ingested accompanied by some liquid.


Although it makes us cry, this vegetable does us a lot of good, because it is a great ally in our search for youth.

Among its components is a high load of sulfur and this favors the natural production of collagen, also improves blood flow.


As much as we like vegetables, meat should not leave the menu, since, thanks to its contribution of amino acids, it makes our collagen production effective. In addition, it strengthens bone function and the optimal state of the joints.

What you should keep in mind is that the type of meat that best suits you is lean meat. Although the other types of meat also favor collagen, they also contain a greater amount of fat, which is not productive at all.


Lemon is a powerful source of vitamin C, and also has antioxidant qualities, which are very beneficial for skin care. This is one of the fruits that most strengthens collagen production, making your skin look much tighter.

Vitamin C is essential for collagen to develop optimally, so apart from lemon, try to eat as many fruits and foods that contain it.


Not only is it a rich source of collagen, but it also has a component called taurine, which serves to restore collagen fibers that are damaged in your skin. Garlic can be classified as a source of reparative collagen.

You can consume the garlic directly, as if it were a kind of capsule, you can also add it to an infusion, preferably with a strong flavor to hide the garlic.

Dairy products

You can vary between cheeses, yogurts and many others, they are a great source of protein and this makes your collagen production increase considerably.

In addition, dairy products directly help strengthen your bones, due to their calcium content.

You must be a little careful when choosing the presentations you consume, due to the saturated fats that some products that are not skimmed have.


They are rich, attractive, and a very good way to increase and protect the collagen in your body. They have antioxidant qualities and are included in that list of fruits that offer the greatest contribution of collagen to the body, followed by nuts.

Natural infusions to rejuvenate

Turmeric tea, natural infusions to produce collagen

We talk about some of the most productive foods in the battle against wrinkles. But as an extra point, I also show you some of the infusions that are most beneficial to face the passing of the years.

turmeric tea

Turmeric is very effective for the skin, and can even deal with acne problems. But in addition, in its chemical composition there is a strong load of antioxidants and vitamin C, which generates great contributions to the production of collagen.

calendula tea

An infusion of this plant favors the increase in protein production, and this will result in collagen production also being benefited.

This is how this is one of the plants that provides the most benefits when it comes to fighting wrinkles.

Rosehip tea

This is one of the favorites and most recommended by naturists, it has a regenerative action and helps increase collagen levels in the skin.

Apart from this, it is also a source of elastin and hyaluronic acid, which is very beneficial for the skin.

Repair or prevent?

Many often do not pay attention to aspects related to their diet and the collagen produced in their body. They argue that this is a problem that can be easily resolved with some injections, but this is a corrective process, when it is best to prevent it.

Eating healthy does not mean that no wrinkles will appear, but undoubtedly the impact of the years will be much less.

On the other hand, if you integrate foods such as those mentioned above, collagen will favor your entire body in general. On the other hand, when medical treatments are carried out, they are directed to specific areas and their contribution is not comprehensive.

On the other hand, you must bear in mind that some pathologies prevent these treatments from being applied, avoiding a quick solution to the problem.

Leading a healthy life costs less, and is worth more than many of the treatments that are offered to us to solve the problems of aging. Take care of yourself, do not leave aside the natural and enjoy every space of your life without regrets.


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