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Ubuntu has a new logo, the new "circle of friends"

Ubuntu has a new logo that is committed to simplicity and minimalism.

Ubuntu is one of the most popular Linux distributions today and it is maintained by Canonical. This distribution has been changing from within, making the interface more and more friendly.

However, there was one thing that hadn't received a makeover, at least until now, and that is the Ubuntu logo. Today, Canonical revealed the new logo of this distribution, which has a modern and minimalist look.

A new logo twelve years later

Evolution of the Ubuntu logo.

When Ubuntu was born back in 2014, it had its characteristic logo, which had three shades of orange and was quite simple. The operating system began to receive changes and 6 years later the logo was renewed, which is still used today, 12 years later.

On this occasion, the logo was simplified and kept the same appearance, only now it was white and enclosed in an orange circle.

A quite attractive logo, but it did not change at the same rate as the operating system did. However, since last year it has been known that Canonical was looking to renew the Ubuntu logo. But it has not been until today that we have known the new logo of the company.

Video promocional del nuevo logo.

On this occasion, this new logo has changed the arrangement of the points and now they are inside the circle. The company has called this change the “circle of friends”.

Although the logo has changed a lot, it still maintains its essence. The community of users of this distribution are divided. Some of them love this new brand image, however, others are a bit more reluctant to change.

The new logo has not yet started to be applied

New Ubuntu logo.

The presentation of the logo took place today and was a pleasant surprise for many. However, the change has not yet been made to the Ubuntu website, where the same logo from 2010 is still used.

As it has been known, it will be in the next few days and from the launch of the new version 22.04 LTS when the new logo begins to spread. At the moment, it only remains to wait for Canonical to start changing its corporate image and start adopting the new logo.

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