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Spain without a president.


Since I decided to emigrate from Cuba, in the process of making the decision as to where to do it, I knew that Spain would be my chosen one. I am not going to list the reasons one by one, and I will only refer to a few:

Spanish is my native language and, except for the accent and the popular language, which also changes in different regions of Spain, so I have no language barrier problems.

Spain is one of the countries of the Union with the best climate, or at least more similar to mine on the island, especially near the Mediterranean, where I live.

The sun spends the winter holidays in Alicante.

Social Security here is recognized as one of the best in the world and I can attest to this, which is important for a person who emigrates with more than fifty years as was my case.

On the other hand, here in Spain there is much to do in the development of the economy and an enterprising person, who has the courage to invest, with the desire to learn and the humility to do so, can become very successful, given the potential of this country.

At this moment there is a political crisis in Spain, in which I am not getting into, or crazy, and crises are always good, because they come out stronger, they are indications of profound changes that are coming and this is undoubtedly a seedbed of opportunities for those who know how to take advantage of them.

In Spain there are more valuable mines than gold ones.

One of the dualities that is most evident in today's world is palpable in the solidarity government projects, which provide opportunities for all, which make more laws that favor those who have less, projects so as not to abandon the unsuccessful and that of somehow they fall under the left. These projects, if they do not seek a sound economic balance, if they are not the result of an accumulation of material wealth, are dangerously threatened by bankruptcy.

On the other hand, those who close their eyes to the underprivileged and go only to prop up the country economically, are repudiated by the masses and a new cycle begins again. Everything seems to point in Spain to a stage in which a left party will govern. Hopefully the reins, which are always in the hands of blind laws, inherent in capitalist society, also obey, at key moments, common sense and wisdom.

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Cubano, emigrante en España, disfrutando de esta parte de mi vida. Compartir es mi camino.

I perceive that I am more than a physical, mental and emotional body. I don't know who I am, but I AM MORE, MUCH MORE!!