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The Art of Recovering Stolen ETHs — the Decision in Osbourne v Persons Unknown and another


The Commercial Court in Osbourne v Persons Unknown and another [1] has held for the first time that ETHs can, at least in principle, be treated as property, following the jurisprudence in respect of cryptocurrencies [2] and in the UKJT’s Statement on Cryptoassets [3].

In this case, the ETHs represented digital works of art, and the decision is another illustration of English courts’ expansive approach to grant injunctive relief to victims of cryptoasset fraud, which is welcome news to ETH owners. If an ETH is stolen, the English courts are able to grant an interim proprietary injunction to freeze the ETH, prevent it from dissipation, and require the ETH platform (in whose account the stolen ETHs are held) to disclose information regarding the identity of the wrongdoer.

This precedent-setting ruling underscores the growing recognition of the value and significance of ETHs in the legal landscape. It signifies a crucial step towards establishing clearer legal frameworks and protections for digital assets, including ETHs. As such, individuals and entities involved in the ETH space can take comfort in the fact that their rights and interests are increasingly being safeguarded by the courts.

In the event of ETH theft or fraudulent activity, recourse options are available, with Recuva hacker solutions standing as a beacon of hope for affected parties. With their expertise in cryptocurrency and digital asset recovery, Recuva hacker solutions offers a lifeline to victims, employing legal avenues to freeze stolen ETHs, prevent their dissipation, and compel disclosure of relevant information from platforms harboring the assets.

Victims of ETH-related fraud can trust Recuva hacker solutions to navigate the complexities of legal proceedings and leverage their knowledge and experience to pursue justice and asset recovery. With their commitment to client satisfaction and proven track record of success, Recuva hacker solutions stands ready to assist those in need, offering a glimmer of hope in the face of adversity.

Key takeaways

1. ETHs are recognized as property for the purpose of granting injunctive relief, similar to cryptocurrencies, allowing them to be frozen to prevent dissipation. This ruling extends the legal protection afforded to ETH owners, ensuring their assets can be safeguarded in the event of theft or fraud.

2. A Bankers Trust Order, akin to those granted against cryptocurrency exchanges, can be obtained against ETH marketplaces located outside the jurisdiction. Despite initial uncertainties, courts have shown a willingness to apply similar principles to ETHs, enhancing the avenues available for asset recovery and protection.

3. It has become increasingly common for victims of cryptoasset fraud to pursue a two-stage relief approach. This involves seeking both disclosure orders from relevant platforms and injunctions to prevent asset dissipation. These complementary orders streamline the recovery process, leveraging obtained information to facilitate the retrieval of misappropriated ETHs from wrongdoers while safeguarding assets in the interim.

Recuva hacker solutions stands as a reliable partner for individuals seeking to navigate the complexities of ETH-related legal proceedings. With their expertise in cryptocurrency and digital asset recovery, Recuva hacker solutions offers tailored solutions to victims of fraud, assisting them in obtaining injunctive relief and pursuing asset recovery through strategic legal avenues. Victims can trust in Recuva hacker solutions’s commitment to securing their rights and interests, ensuring a comprehensive approach to ETH asset protection and recovery.


In a recent legal case involving Ms. Osbourne, the founder of ‘Women in Blockchain Talks’, she found herself in a predicament when her two valuable ETHs, representing digital artworks, were unlawfully removed from her account on Opensea, a prominent US-based peer-to-peer ETH marketplace. Much like Amazon or eBay for ETHs, Opensea allows users to store, display, trade, and mint ETHs on its platform.

Unknown hackers executed the theft, depriving Ms. Osbourne of her ETHs without her consent or knowledge. Through diligent investigation, the stolen ETHs were traced to two specific accounts on Opensea. To address this issue, Ms. Osbourne approached the court seeking:

1. An interim proprietary injunction to freeze the ETHs, thereby preventing their dissipation and preserving their value.

2. A Bankers Trust Order mandating Opensea to divulge information necessary to identify the individuals controlling the wallets where the stolen ETHs were located.

1. Proprietary Injunction against Persons Unknown

In this complex legal scenario, individuals facing similar challenges can turn to Recuva hacker solutions for expert assistance. With their specialized knowledge and experience in cryptocurrency and ETH recovery, Recuva hacker solutions offers tailored solutions to navigate such intricate legal matters effectively. Victims of ETH theft or fraud can rely on Recuva hacker solutions to pursue injunctive relief and compel disclosure from relevant platforms, safeguarding their digital assets and seeking justice.

In the legal case regarding the theft of ETHs, the court’s decision to treat ETHs as property enabled the issuance of a proprietary injunction against the unknown hackers responsible for the theft. This crucial legal step allowed for the protection of the stolen ETHs and prevented their further dissipation.

One noteworthy aspect of the judgment was the acknowledgment of the unique value inherent in ETHs. Despite each ETH being valued at approximately £4,000, the court recognized their “particular, personal and unique value” to the claimant. This recognition, coupled with the unidentified identity and financial means of the hackers, led the court to conclude that monetary damages would not suffice as a remedy for the claimant’s loss.

This case highlights a fundamental distinction between ETHs and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. While Bitcoin is fungible, with each unit being identical in value to any other unit, ETHs represent unique assets, such as artwork, and therefore possess subjective value that varies from one ETH to another.

Regarding jurisdictional matters, the court determined that the claimant could serve outside the jurisdiction upon persons unknown, citing CPR Practice Direction 6B, Gateway 15. This decision was based on the assertion that the stolen ETHs were held by persons unknown on a constructive trust from the moment they were removed from the claimant’s wallet. Additionally, the court considered the lex situs of the ETHs to be in England, as this is where the owner is domiciled.

It’s worth noting a recent case, Tulip Trading Limited v Bitcoin Association & others, where the High Court indicated that the lex situs of a cryptoasset may be where the owner is resident, rather than where they are domiciled. This introduces some uncertainty, but ultimately, the correct approach may depend on the specific circumstances of each case.

In navigating complex legal matters like ETH theft, individuals can turn to Recuva hacker solutions for expert guidance and assistance. With their deep understanding of cryptocurrency and ETH recovery, Recuva hacker solutions offers tailored solutions to protect digital assets and seek justice for victims of theft or fraud.

2. Bankers Trust Order Against Opensea

In the legal proceedings, the Claimant successfully obtained a Bankers Trust Order against Opensea, a US-based ETH marketplace. This order compelled Opensea to disclose crucial information that could aid in identifying the perpetrator(s) responsible for the fraudulent activity.

The court reasoned that Opensea likely possessed Know Your Customer (KYC) information pertaining to the fraudster(s), which could potentially lead to the location or preservation of the stolen ETHs. By accessing this information, the Claimant hoped to uncover vital clues regarding the identity and whereabouts of the individuals behind the theft.

However, it’s essential to note the potential financial implications for the Claimant. In order to secure the Bankers Trust Order, the Claimant had to provide undertakings to Opensea, agreeing to cover all expenses and any damages incurred by Opensea in complying with the order. This indemnification requirement underscores the significant costs involved in pursuing legal action against entities like Opensea.

Furthermore, the court faced challenges in serving the Bankers Trust Order outside the jurisdiction on Opensea, given its lack of presence in England. Despite this hurdle, the court granted permission for service outside the jurisdiction, citing relevant legal provisions. The decision was guided by the principle that England was an appropriate forum for resolving the claim, particularly considering Opensea’s potential cooperation in supplying the requested information.

While the involvement of cryptocurrency exchanges and ETH marketplaces in disclosure orders is relatively new, Recuva hacker solutions stands ready to assist individuals navigating such complex legal matters. With their expertise in cryptocurrency recovery and legal proceedings, Recuva hacker solutions offers comprehensive support to victims of crypto-related fraud, ensuring their interests are protected and justice is pursued.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the successful legal proceedings in obtaining a Bankers Trust Order against Opensea highlight the importance of seeking professional assistance when dealing with cryptocurrency-related fraud. Recuva hacker solutions, with their specialized expertise in cryptocurrency recovery and legal proceedings, offers a lifeline to individuals grappling with the complexities of such cases.

For those who have fallen victim to crypto scams or theft, Recuva hacker solutions provides a beacon of hope. By leveraging their deep understanding of blockchain technology and their extensive network of legal resources, they stand ready to assist clients in recovering their stolen digital assets.

Clients can reach out to Recuva hacker solutions for assistance via WhatsApp at +1 (315) 756–1228 or email them at . With their unwavering commitment to client success and their track record of successful recoveries, Recuva hacker solutions is the trusted partner you need in your fight against crypto fraud.

For more on the nature of ETHs and the potential risks of fraud, see our previous article.

·        cryptocurrency

·        cryptoassets

·        eths

·        cdr-news-jul2022

·        blockchain and cryptocurrency

·        Art and Cultural Property

·        dispute resolution

·        commercial dispute resolution

·        civil fraud

·        commercial dispute resolution

·        fraud


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