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Overcome your complexes: A practical guide to get rid of them

Overcome your complexes: A practical guide to get rid of them

Don't you consider yourself important enough? Or do you live seeing yourself below the average level? If so, you could be struggling with a strong case of complexes. These are the main enemies of success, as they live by consuming your confidence.

It's okay to acknowledge our inadequacy in some situation, but thinking that we're useless or worthless is a bigger problem to deal with. Often people with a complex tend to be prey to others with greater security that manipulate them.

The complexes can come from many reasons, but they affect multiple areas of the life of the person who has them, so it is convenient to overcome them.

If you are struggling with this problem in your life or want to help someone, pay attention to how to identify and overcome them.

Identify: What is the problem?

The first thing you must recognize is that what is happening is not normal, nor is it right, we are not designed to be self-conscious.

Next, we will show you some characteristics that will help you identify if you are struggling with a complex.

Physical discomfort

The most common complexes are related to our figure, usually some aspect of our image is rejected, and we avoid showing it.

Obesity, skin color or some physical flaw can cause someone to feel slighted.

This aspect becomes so imposing that even regardless of whether there is a good external opinion, the person still rejects himself.

Search for acceptance

The condition of the self-conscious leads him to a constant search for acceptance by society or a specific group.

This need for external approval is so intense that it can lead you to violate your principles and values to get it.

Insecurity or excess of it

On the one hand, we have people who are not able to make any decisions on their own, which makes them feel inferior and dependent.

In the second case, there are people who consider themselves superior in everything and do not require anyone's advice.

Both cases are erroneous behavior that does little to favor the development of an individual in many of their usual scenarios.

Emotional instability

This characteristic is fully evident in people who struggle to accept themselves, since they are controlled by their moods.

They are highly sensitive, and their character can change in seconds just by hearing an unfavorable opinion about them.

They find it difficult to establish relationships and stable affective ties, because they feel compatible with very few people. Sometimes they only share with those who have similar complexes.

How do I deal with the problem?

It is not a magic formula, or a therapy that you must perform daily. The truth is that you just need to know some truths that give you another perspective. No matter what your complex is, before thinking about it, think about the following.

You are unique

The first point in your favor is your natural authenticity, which goes beyond your flaws and physical appearance.

Human beings are a mixture of virtues and defects that gives the perfect nuance to our personality, learn to identify yours and highlight your strengths more.

Reflect your natural authenticity

Do not despise yourself for your weaknesses, because, although others do not admit it, they also have their own defects. There is no perfection in anyone no matter how apparent.

The opinion that matters most is yours

People have tastes as varied as a fan, so don't expect their approval to define your actions.

The main thing is what makes you happy, your standard of acceptance is yourself, consult others, but without giving it greater relevance.

Society is wrong

Live according to your principles and values, not according to the standards and trends of society, since it has been shown many times that they act wrongly.

The media often sell false, empty and meaningless examples of how to live.

Ideas as simple as that economic status defines happiness, or that sentimental liberality causes harm, are examples of bad concepts that are transmitted to us.

Don't compare yourself

The most effective source for demotivation are comparisons, avoid them at all costs both in yourself and with others close to you.

If you see that someone has a different or better talent than yours, do not bother, motivate yourself to be better without feeling envy or jealousy.

We all have diverse talents and no one is good at absolutely everything, so take advantage of your strengths and accept your weaknesses with ease.

Get inspired by others

Having clarified the harmfulness of the comparison, give way to inspiration. The life of great characters throughout history is a good driving force.

All the heroes, inventors, pioneers and many more, were flawed people who succeeded.

When the life and difficulties of another are analyzed as a source of motivation, very good results and a positive attitude are achieved.

Laugh at your own shortcomings

This might seem a little crazy or sarcastic, but no matter how serious it is, it's healthy to take it on in good humor.

If you can gracefully see your weaknesses, you are shielding yourself from the mockery of any outsider, and you will not be easily affected.

Laughing at themselves increases your levels of confidence and self-esteem, as it is a much more productive attitude than anger, depression or frustration.

The most important truth you need to know

A complex does not favor anyone in any of the areas of their life, they only manage to lead people to failure.

It is not a matter to take it simply, you have to face it in the best way, until you manage to overcome it and regain all confidence in yourself.

The complexes are nothing else in our mind, there are no physical conditions that make us be people of lesser value or esteem than others.

Every complex can be overcome, it is only a matter of determination, since its existence depends on the value we give it.

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