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Total cleaning: Apple deletes more than 3 million applications

Apple updates its App Store and removes more than 3 million "junk" applications.

Over the past week, Apple has been trending for the removal of more than 3 million apps. According to the popular manzanita company, they did not comply with their terms and conditions.

Apple has been given the task of removing obsolete applications from the App Store. Above all, it emphasizes those that have not been updated in a long time, considering them as "garbage" in a way.

Why has Apple removed thousands of accounts from its App Store?

It is well known that Apple is largely characterized by the exclusivity it provides to its customers. Therefore, since 2016 a policy has been emerging to make the App Store a smaller and “hygienic” store.

Back then, it was announced that the Cupertino Giant would strive to remove thousands of outdated apps. In turn, those programs that did not follow the company's terms and conditions would go to the background.

The App Store is the meeting point for many applications, but many of them do not work or are out of date.

However, the removal process was not as abrupt as it is now. According to The Verge, more than 3 million apps have already been dismissed in the last week of April alone.

Apple's warning to app developers

Like the Google Play Store, the App Store is full of applications of different kinds. However, within this wide range of options, many of them have stopped being updated or simply do not work.

Given the latest news reporting malware or malicious files among these digital stores, Apple has become more rigorous in this regard.

In the same order of ideas, it has sent a clear message to all the developers whose applications make life in its store. Inside it, pray the following in particular:

"This app has not been updated in a significant amount of time, so it is scheduled to be removed within the next 30 days."

The Appe Store and the Google Play Store have implemented many stringent measures in recent years.

Although the message is extremely blunt and to the point, all is not lost for them yet. As such, they have also left a very important clarification regarding this topic:

"The app may be kept for download from the App Store if an update is submitted for review within 30 days."

A measure that has caused a stir in the technological community

The circumstances in which these last days have passed regarding this decision by Apple have caused a stir. In fact, the technology community has spoken out openly and without hesitation.

A clear example of this was that of Protopop Games, developer of the Motivoto video game. Even though his app was up to date and working perfectly, he got the terrifying message from Apple. Given this, they did not hesitate to make their emotion public on Twitter.

Protopop Games on Twitter
Protopop Games es uno de los tantos afectados por la novedosa política de Apple.

Thus, a kind of movement arose where a variety of developers clarify a clear point. In it, they conclude that when a program is completely finished, it does not necessarily need to be updated over time.

Essentially, they are built on the very platform of Steam. Currently, it hosts thousands of games for sale and download that are even more than 10 years old and have not been updated.

Apple's response to the millions of applications deleted from the App Store

Shielded in its motto of "making the App Store smaller and more hygienic", Apple has responded again. However, this time, he details a little more the reasons why he has made this drastic decision.

The technical support of the apple company adds that the selected applications are unpopular. It also means that, in a period of 12 months, they have not reached the expected enough downloads, nor did they represent net income.

In conclusion, it is normal for Apple to go to these extrapolated decisions. Basically, it wants to clean up its main technological diffusion medium and make way for those most popular applications. How will this end? Well, it is difficult to determine, but nothing seems to alter the manzanita.

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Estudiante de Medicina. Redactor SEO, creador y diseñador de contenido para redes sociales con más de 3 años de experiencia.

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