Great controversy unleashed by AMLO's reception of Dictators Nicolás Maduro and Miguel Díaz Canel

In the past few days, we saw how Mexico' president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, gave a huge welcome to the presidents of Venezuela and Cuba, Nicolás Maduro and Miguel Diaz Canel.
Respectively, it's seeing as a controversy since these presidents are considered as the responsible for human rights violations in their countries.
The invitation was given to Maduro and Canel to attend the Celac summit meeting, the community of Latin American and Caribbean States, which was carried out in Mexico days ago. As expected the presence of the leaders generated discomfort and controversy in the meeting, disagreements did not wait.
The presidents of Uruguay and Paraguay questioned the democratic legitimacy of their peers, the Venezuelan Nicolás Maduro and the Cuban Miguel Díaz Canel.
The leaders highlighted in their discourse to have democratic government systems, which generated the greatest of disputes.
In past weeks, all social media and networks saw the demonstrations of Cubans who shouted the freedom. A tired population of the dictatorship, which came to the streets, demanding its rulers to free the people.
The military forces of the regime went out to repress the people and stop any sight of insurgency.
We have known a lot from Venezuela, from one and another unseccessful attempt to get out of the narco-dictatorship established by Maduro and its team, neither achieved the exit of the mature regime support by Cuba.
Why the reception?
How is it possible to receive a person who has done so much harm and is accused of so many crimes? This is the question so many people ask themselves not only in Mexico, but also from the whole world in special Venezuelan people who day by day suffer from the regime of Nicolás Maduro.
Nicolás Maduro has been accused several times to be a dictator, of having a regime that doesn't respect human rights, to work with drug trafficking, in short, many accusations to which the AMLO president apparently don't know and ignore them.
It has come so far, that Nicolás Maduro carries above his shoulders a capture order directly from the USA goverment. A capture order with an amount of 15 million dollars, to anyone who's brave enough to delivery the Venezuelan president to american territory.
So why they don't arrest Nicolás Maduro in Mexican territory?
This is a question that many people have asked themselves, here I leave some answers in the legal framework, which excuses or explains why the President Andrés Manuel López Obrador don't take Nicolás Maduro to the US authorities.
The legal justification is that there isn't an extradition order from the United States to Mexico when it comes to Nicolás Maduro.
In fact, Maduro wasn't supposed to attend the summit meeting in Mexico, according to the attitude given by the Mexican president.
Rumor has it that Mexican government preferred to save the information to the last minute, or it really had no knowledge that Nicolás Maduro was going to arrive at Mexico.
On the other hand, due to the Mexican goverment do recognize Maduro as the legitimate president of Venezuela, it gives him the liberty to continue as the Venezuelan head of state and enjoy of diplomatic immunity.
Miguel Díaz Canel cause controversy in CELAC summit meeting
In his intervention at the summit meeting of the Latin American and Caribbean Community, President Miguel Díaz Canel began his speech thanking the reception, mainly to the President AMLO and Next to the Mexican people for solidarity and support for the people of Cuba.
In addition, he thanked the other countries that have supported the Cuban regime, accusing the United States to finance a campaign against him and the Cuban regime.
He also affirms that his purpose is to destabilize the Caribbean country, but said that Cuban people will defend the socialist state of law and social justice with all and for the good of all.
He saw the oportunity to take a call to the uprising of the sanctions and blockade that weighs on that country since years ago, affirming that it is a violation of the human rights of the people Cuban.
He also mentioned other countries that also suffer from these blockages, assure that it only seek to hinder the development of the Latin American and Caribbean countries.
Finally, he congratulated and supported the dialogue table that takes place in Mexico City, with the representation of the Nicolás Maduro's goverment and the representation of the Interim President Juan Guaidó.
Also, he condemned the sanctions imposed on the Republic of Nicaragua and the interference in the internal affairs of that nation.