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President Iván Duke requests action against mature for “crimes against humanity”.


The President of Colombia met with the former Secretary of State, of the last administration of the Expresident of the United States Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo, who thanked Bogotá his backup “The Interim President Juan Guidó”.

The President of Colombia, Iván Duque, I request before the international community that act against Nicolás Maduro, for crimes against humanity, since it ensures that violations of human rights are applied in Venezuela, after Know a report from the United Nations.

Mike Pompeo makes a tour of some countries of South America, the main objective is to seek support with the different leaders of the region to increase the pressure against the Government of Caracas.

For Duke the results of the research that was carried out in the UN, confirm once again the testimonies of thousands of Venezuelan migrants, again, and again it is demonstrated that mature It is in a criminal of humanity and for this reason its message to the other presidents and members of the UN is that it has to act for the situation to end.

Is also surrounded by criminals from humanity.

Duke said that the circle close to the Venezuelan and many criminals and ensures that it is an unsustainable situation.

Colombia has had a Fraternal policy to serve Venezuelan siblings and sisters, who have had to leave their homes and families looking for a better future, leaving behind a life full of shortcomings and limitations.

By the hand of Guidó

Before the UN the report was reported where the actual reasons for thinking that were planned were presented by the authorities and security forces of oil power, where it is shown that Great violations were committed to the human rights.

On the other hand, pompere, ratified the support for Duque and President Juan Guidó, by the democratic transition affirms that the violence of groups such as the FARC or ELN are intolerable because the Government of Maduro offers refuge these terrorists.

Due to this situation, almost five million Venezuelans fled the economic crisis of their country, Duque also recalled in its stage of Senator denounced mature against the International Criminal Court and encourage other countries to do so.

Complaint valid by the Organization of American States

Was presented by the UN the report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights of the UN, For this reason Duke denounces that at this time You must validate that dictatorship" the only thing you do is strengthen it "

The president affirms that the tragedy that millions of Venezuelans have had to leave the country, and more than 30% are in Colombia in conditions of invisibility for this reason the proposal to grant them a Status of temporary protection. (ETP).

From this moment Duke, I explain to Colombia, it expects to deliver a million ETP, a very large advance and a gesture of peace in the face of a migratory phenomenon in the world.

However, it called on the Community International so that the necessary measures are taken, since several countries have promised many resources and have not disbursed them.

It can be compared with what is invested in other crises migratory such as those of Syria or those of Sudan while for Venezuela it does not reach $300, and thanks the United States for the help that lends its country to combat the Terrorism and the drug trafficking.

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