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France suggests Europe, not trusting the USA

France has begun to consider that after the episode of the crisis that was lived between its country and Washington motivated to the annulment of a submarine contract, which should be acquired by Australia, this should be used to open the eyes of other countries Europeans, and that they realize about how unstable it is to trust the government of the United States, has highlighted the EFE portal today.

“Our European partners should start opening my eyes” were one of the affirmations made about this fact “It is impossible for us to continue counting With the support of the United States, just guaranteeing our protection strategically”, underlined this day Thursday who was Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire; Whoever is also one of the heavy weights within the government of President Emmanuel Macron.

Thanks to an interview provided to the Issuer France Info, he insisted that one of the first lesson that must be taken over this episode is the fact that the European Union, initiates the construction of strategic independence, without the need for Wait for the United States.


In his opinion, this is considered as a mistake, according to Denmark's first Minister, Mette Frederiksen, as it states that the United States will continue to protect Europeans, if Import the reactions that it has.

USA is obsessed with China, the experts affirm

According to the analysis carried out by the French correspondents of economy and finance, the US cabinet only has a major and strategic concern, which is China, which they are looking to contain, for their own benefits.

Behind everything, there is the cancellation by Australia that happened last 15, with respect to the purchase of twelve submarines in a conventional manner and of French origin. This contract was around 31,000 million euros, just at the time of signature in 2016 and which are now valued at about 56,000 million. All this with the sole purpose of being able to replace them with others that were nuclear with Americans, to which an unprecedented diplomatic crisis between the three countries has been generated.

Macron spoke on Wednesday by phone with US President Joe Biden, to lower the tension and announced Washington from his ambassador, whom he had called on consultations to manifest his anger.

Le Maire affirmed that, although this step has been given for reconciliation, this type of contentious “always leaves traces because a brutal decision was made”.

According to Pierre-éric Pommellet, CEO of the French state company Naval Group that manufactures the submarines, the announcement was a total surprise, since on the same day 15 in the morning they had received an email in which they were informed that the government Australian gave his approval to a series of technical issues to move on to a new phase of the contract.

France will pass the invoice to Australia

In an interview published this Thursday for the newspaper Le Figaro, Pierre-Uric Pommellet insists that Australia was “a political and strategic decision”, and that naval Group does not have any responsibility there.

It also explains that in a few weeks they will present to Australia the invoice for what will have to pay for the expenses that the company or its industrial partners had already done or committed, as stipulated by the contract and warns that they will ascertain their rights.

That sale supposed for Naval Group about 500 million euros per year during the next exercises, around 10% of its turnover. This directly affects 650 of its employees in France. Also, to several tens in other associated companies, as well as 350 workers from their subsidiary in Australia.

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