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Read full article in WebMediums Sid Haig, actor of George Lucas and Quentin Tarantino films, dies Today the terrible news of the death of actor Sid Haig , well known for playing the movie House of 1,000 Corpses , was revealed. In addition, this character would have worked with directors such as George Lucas and Quentin Tarantino.
The news was given by Sid Haig's wife, who published a letter on her Instagram social network talking about a tragic event and mentioning some words that would remember, for life, this important character in the world of horror movies. In addition, it was confirmed that Sid Haig's death occurred last Saturday.
Sid Haig, interpreter of the films Jackie Brown and House of 1,000 corpses, dies The letter from Sid Haig's wife would reflect the unconditional love he had for said character and, in addition, it would show all the pain he felt for the loss of such an important being in his life:
This Saturday, September 21, my light, my heart, my true love, my king, my other half, has gone to the other kingdom. A bright star from heaven has returned to the universe. He was everything to me, my angel, my best friend, my husband, and he will be for life. He loved his family, friends and his fans. This news has come as a shock to all of us. As a grieving family, we ask for your complete respect and privacy to get through this terrible time.
Sid Haig on Instagram: “On Saturday, September 21, 2019, my light, my heart, my true love, my King, the other half of my soul, Sidney, passed from this realm on to…”
In this way, an incredible movie character would be leaving this world. Thus, Sid Haig will always be remembered as an iconic actor , who came to work with the main directors of the cinema and was able to participate in films that have been considered as cult.
Escritor especializado en brindar una excelente calidad de vida y en proporcionar conocimientos prácticos a nivel de salud y bienestar.
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