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World Blood Donor Day is celebrated TODAY

Today is the World Blood Donor Day. The World Health Organization designated June 14 as the special date to celebrate this work. In the world, there is a scarcity of blood donors they are a key part of the health systems of this century, since most serious diseases, especially certain types of cancer, need liters of blood for their treatment and each person can only donate a small part of their blood.


Why is the World Blood Donor Day celebrated today?

The World Blood Donor Day is celebrated on June 14 by the birth of the biologist and pathologist Karl Landsteiner, an Austrian who found a way to typify blood groups, for his years of study and research he was awarded the Nobel Prize.

Donating blood is a disinterested gesture, reason why the WHO decided to create a special day to commemorate all those people who bring their own body a life expectancy. Although in some countries, underdeveloped in general, this act is paid by private entities to save the lives of their insured. This, due to the lack of culture and economic problems.

Taken from Europapress. Spanish red cross font.

But nevertheless, before donating blood each person must undergo a study to know their health status and not have any type of viral disease, especially HIV. Once studied, they identify what type of blood the patient is, being considered the blood groups as the AB- as one of the most valued, since the O and the A are very common and do not lack this type of blood. The other blood groups are divided into Rh positive and Rh negative and each variant has four groups: A + or -; B + o -; AB + or - and 0+ or ​​-.

World Blood Donor Day

A person can donate a total of 450 milliliters of blood maximum, provided that it is in perfect condition and is an adult. In addition, the male sex can donate only 4 times in a year, while the female can get up to 3 donations, because menstruation generates a loss in them.

The compactibility of blood is what most worries the blood recipient institutions. Blood group AB + can receive blood of any kind, while O- can only receive blood from a similar group. However, the O- is the universal donor. This is because the O- does not have any type of protein and will be accepted by any blood group.

Recently the French Blood Establishment EFS, affirmed "The shelf life of the blood products is limited: seven days for platelets, 42 days for red blood cells", stressed the EFS.

While the Pan-American Health Organization OPS, said "The countries of the Americas have a Regional Blood Plan for the Improvement of blood availability and safety of transfusions, with the support of PAHO, as an important public health issue that contributes to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals".

Who can donate blood?

The WHO specifies some minimum requirements that are: Be between 18 and 65 years old. Have a minimum weight of 50 kg. Not having been ill in the last 15 days, especially if the consumption of medications was high. Not having recently traveled to endemic sites with malaria, zika or dengue. Not having had risky sex Not having tattooed (there is controversy about this aspect) Have a minimum year of your last delivery.

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Zootecnista, 7 años de experiencia veterinaria. Co-fundador de Webmediums, gestor ambiental y un apasionado por la vida #CoachEspiritual #SEO #LIVE #ElefectoFer

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