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What is interactive content and how to use it?

Interactive content is revolutionizing marketing strategies.

The markets world is advancing by leaps and bounds and that is why the different content creation strategies must do the same. One of the most popular today is interactive content, a very effective practice to give your users a great experience.

Today we are going to talk a little more about what interactive content is, how it works and what are the benefits. Without a doubt, you will find that this is a fascinating practice and that it can turn out to be much more interesting than you think.

What is interactive content?

Interactive content is vital in any digital marketing strategy.

If you have wondered what interactive content is, you will surely find that it is something fascinating.

Most of the content you can find on the web is of the static or passive type. And is that static content has been very effective for marketing throughout this time.

However, it is very important that marketing advances, which is why one of the greatest novelties in terms of content is the appearance of interactive content. This type of content encourages user participation and attracts their attention.

An example of this type of content is surveys, charts, tables, contests, infographics, and more. All of this is capable of engaging the visitor with the website.

Why use interactive content?

This type of content can help significantly increase your sales.

You are probably wondering why you should leave traditional content for an interactive one.

First, interactive content has the ability to create a connection between the brand and the customer. But not only that, but it is also a good way to offer a different experience.

In any case, this does not mean that you should leave out static content, in fact, both can be combined perfectly and without any problem.

So, don't worry about testing and incorporating new types of content to your website.

What are the benefits of interactive content?

Main benefits of interactive content for marketing.

As we have seen so far, interactive content can become a great ally for your marketing strategy.

However, if you have not yet decided to use this type of content, then we will give you some of the best reasons to do so.

  • Interactive content can increase engagement : It has proven to be a highly effective strategy. It can offer you a great option to get visitors to know your brand much more and create a link.

  • It serves to increase your leads : With this type of content you will be able to make people much more interested in the product or service you have to offer.

  • It will increase the traffic of your website : With the help of interactive content it is possible to make your site much more attractive, which means that visitors may be interested in visiting it constantly.

  • Educate buyers : This can not only be used to sell, as interactive content can be educational. This will help the potential client to know what they really need.

Types of interactive content

Next, I will tell you about the main types of interactive content that you can find in the market. In this way you will be able to choose the one that best suits your needs.


Interactive infographics have surpassed videos in popularity.

Infographics are an excellent way in which you can get to interact with your visitors.

This format has been used in content marketing for a long time and allows you to offer visitors a different and enjoyable informational experience.

Interactive infographics have proven to be an excellent option when it comes to attracting the attention of those who visit your website.

This not only makes the information easier to read and understand, it also makes it much easier to remember that information.

This is an extremely useful resource that stands above even video.


Calculators can incentivize your visitors to purchase your product or service.

Believe it or not, a simple calculator can be very useful when it comes to getting leads. When a person enters your brand's website, they are likely to have the intention of purchasing your product or service. However, a calculator can help you finish your decision.

This is vital on finance related sites, for example banks, loan sites, and even insurance.

A calculator that allows you to know how much you will have to pay in interest and similar things have the ability to attract interested parties.

Interactive video

Interactive videos are revolutionizing the world of marketing.

It is no secret to anyone that videos are an excellent way with which you will be able to reach your visitors. It is one of the most popular formats in the entire network and can cause great emotions in people.

However, an interactive video goes much further, since it will allow the visitor to feel part of it. It is a unique experience that will undoubtedly completely attract the attention of everyone who accesses the website.

With a growing number of interactive videos on the web, they are gaining incredible popularity. This means that the trend will continue, and it is very likely that it will continue to evolve.

Interactive emails

Example of interactive email with image carousel.

Email marketing is probably one of the oldest practices of all. People who practice this type of marketing can attest that it is a really effective medium. However, it has a problem and that is that people do not interact with that message, which is why interactive email was born.

This will allow the person who receives it to interact with it, which guarantees that they will see and read the content.

Despite the fact that email marketing is effective, a large percentage of people do not read it. With interactive email this will change and people will be encouraged to read it, which translates into more opportunities to get leads.


Interactive quizzes are a great tool for marketing.

Through this, the needs of each client can be identified in order to try to satisfy them with a tailored product.

In the same way, it is possible to collect some data related to the buyer to be able to address it later in your marketing campaigns.


Interactive ebooks.

When you think of a digital book, the PDF format probably comes to mind. Yes, this is the most common format you can find, and it has worked for years.

However, PDFs are already getting boring, so it's a good idea to offer readers more interactive content.

In an interactive ebook you can find photos, videos, texts, animations and much more. This makes the content itself much more pleasing to the eye and less boring, which makes them much more interested in reading it.

Landing pages

Example of landing pages.

Landing pages or landing pages are a key part of digital marketing. These are created with the aim of attracting the user and convincing him to generate conversions. For many years they have been one of the best tools for marketing thanks to their effectiveness.

Today we see more landings with interactive content and this allows visitors to interact with the website. This makes them much more interested in the product or service you offer.

Enter videos, animations or any other visual content that you see fit. The results that you are going to obtain by doing so are simply impressive.

If you are looking for interactive content, these were the best and the ones that can give you the best results.

Mind you, there are still many types of interactive content that you can use as part of your marketing strategy.

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Amante de la tecnología y los videojuegos. Aficionado a la criptomonedas y todo lo relaciona con ellas. Me encanta escribir y se ha convertido en mi pasión.

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