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Do you know non-alcoholic beer? A wonder for your health

Non-alcoholic beer is a healthy alternative to promote quality of life

Non-alcoholic beer is one of those wonderful products designed for wellness. Unfortunately, it still does not have the popularity it should among society.

Even so, the latest data shows that it continues to be a trending drink. Although there is still a long way to go, it is a clear sign that humanity is opting for it.

What is non-alcoholic beer? Its best details

As its name indicates, they are those drinks of this class that do not contain alcohol in their composition. And if it does, the amounts added are minimal compared to conventional ones.

Non-alcoholic beers, for practical purposes, were also baptized as "without" or weak beer. On the other hand, there are societies where they are classified as "low alcohol beer".

However, for them to really be included in this category, they are subject to laws or repeals. For example, in the United States, they are those in which a presence of less than 0.5% alcohol has been verified.

In the United Kingdom zone the stipulation changes, allowing up to a maximum of 1% in alcoholic content. As long as less than or equal to that range is preserved, then it can be considered as without.

Many famous brands like Heineken have decided to join the non-alcoholic beer theme

Its commercialization and support has reached such a level that, in some regions, it is sold to minors. Of course, as long as they remain under the supervision of adults or legal representatives for the time being.

Non-alcoholic beer: an alternative with great health benefits

As is well known, traditional beer in its normal alcoholic content, unleashes derived problems with it. Alcoholism not only affects your own physical integrity, but also of those around you.

The consumption of non-alcoholic beer is directly related to the reduction of those counterproductive scenarios. In turn, it provides great power for personal health, defined in the following benefits or advantages:

Obesity control

When beer consumption becomes excessive, the large amount of calories provided accumulates in fat. Consequently, weight problems soon become apparent.

With the without, obesity will not be a scenario to contemplate for the community in general. The reason is that it is composed primarily of water, specifically 90%. It means that the contribution of kilocalories is lower compared to traditional ones.

Antioxidant factors

The Neurochemistry Group of the University of Castilla-La Mancha revealed, not long ago, a deafening fact. It turns out that weak beer is linked to the direct contribution of special antioxidant factors against neurodegenerative diseases.

According to a study led by the entity, its neutralizing action on an enzymatic factor known as adenosine was verified. This molecule works as a trigger for cellular oxidative stress, favoring conditions such as Alzheimer's.

In addition, they are drinks that provide excellent amounts of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for the brain. Specifically, it is those of group B that are administered in good doses through the consumption of without.

Less probability of kidney stones

Kidney stones is the medical terminology for the famous "calculi" or "stones" in the kidneys. With the help of non-alcoholic beer, the probability of developing this pathology is drastically reduced.

The well-being of the kidneys is elevated by preferring non-alcoholic beer

Although traditional beer also acts as a diuretic, its varied mineral content favors lithiasis. On the contrary, the without, drag larger amounts of water to the outside due to its regulated concentration of potassium.

Metabolic and cardiovascular health

Non-alcoholic beer, being purely water, is free of toxic or ultra-processed compounds. In this way, it reduces the risks or exaggerated inflammatory responses that can cause problems such as arterial hypertension in the cardiovascular sphere.

On the metabolic health side, it puts at bay pathologies such as fatty liver, liver cirrhosis or diabetes itself. Due to its power over weight control and adipose tissue, then such diseases will not take center stage.

Excellent quality of life

By counteracting the possible consequences of alcoholism, they promote an excellent quality of life. Aspects such as slowing down aging, strengthening hair or preventing sleep disorders are benefits associated with without.

As if that were not enough, they favor the social relationships of the individual, required to preserve mental health to a certain extent. All this without neglecting other qualities such as its safety for drinking at the wheel, for pregnant women and minors.

To all these... What is the composition of the without?

As it has been stated, its basic or primordial content is water. Most certified products or endorsed by official organizations specify that the liquid ranges from 85 to 90 percent.

The main additives are malted barley, hops and corn. In hindsight, they are natural ingredients associated with positive effects on the human body.

Forming the main unit of non-alcoholic beers, they go through a bottom fermentation process. Subsequently, they are subjected to low temperatures while they are stored in specialized warehouses.

There is no doubt that it is a methodical process that stabilizes the mix and maximizes the properties of its mix components. In conclusion, it is a very well made drink with a pertinent background for health.

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Estudiante de Medicina. Redactor SEO, creador y diseñador de contenido para redes sociales con más de 3 años de experiencia.

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