Combine love and money?
Have good finances as a couple with these tips

In a relationship it can sometimes be uncomfortable to talk about money on the part of both of you, but that is normal when you are starting a courtship, although things change if you get married or live together.
And most people don't know how to start this conversation.
Expenses have long ceased to be the responsibility of the man of the house, the women of the 50s are no longer equal to the women of the millennial generation.
If you want to know more about how to find a balance between these two fundamental things that move the world and the answers to this question, be sure to read this article.

Balance of love and money: How to find it?
Do you think this task is difficult? Well, it is, but it becomes more doable if you have a partner next to you who can understand you on this topic.
Which should be that way, since carrying a load instead of a partner is very complicated if we refer to a love relationship.
In psychological terms it is exhausting and in economic terms, it carries the same result. Because the scale cannot be held with more weight on one side.
Studies reveal that a relationship lasts over time if there is trust in your partner, since if we think long-term or in the future together, it is understood that there are important factors that maintain love.
Therefore, before it is considered a "Failure" by your partner, you will have to have informed him about what you do not like at all, and therefore, a cheating of love or financial infidelity has high consequences.
That could even completely break the balance.
For this reason, we leave you these important questions that you should ask both yourself and your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or wife to maintain a harmonious balance.
Maybe you can do some of these to your roommate, because in the same way they can benefit you to bring a better order.
TIP 1: Questions to ask your partner
We believe that these are the best tips that we can offer you so that your home finances and love can be organized in a good way, and this generates happiness and not depression or anxiety.
1. Do you have any debt?
This really is essential, since the surprise cases of large indebtedness are constant.
Sometimes people find out about these activities when their partner has suffered an accident or a similar situation, that is, they let them know in the worst case.
At the moment where they need the money urgently. For this reason, it is better to know it from the beginning, since this way you can help solve it, because possibly your better half is sorry to admit such a thing, and that is not the idea of trust in the relationship.
2. What is your opinion on risky assets?
This question can also let you know if your consort has tendencies to spend large sums of money on businesses that are not very safe, if he has ambition for the game or if he invests more than he is willing to lose.
We also refer to some dependence on a product.
3. Do you think it is important to save?
The action of saving can benefit both of you, you can save money to go on vacation, for fun things, or things that are important to either of you.
Such as buying a house or a household product, a car or others.
If you feel supported that your partner wants to take a thrifty activity for these cases, you will feel safe.
4. Do you have a business idea that requires an investment?
This will really put the income you have together with a greater purpose. Since entrepreneurship will favor the expansion of opportunities.
And emotional and financial support is something your partner will appreciate.
5. If we have a child, how will we pay for their quality of life?
The question that many may not be prepared to take into consideration, since for obvious reasons having a child is something that represents a responsibility that even several couples do not want to take on at any time.
But if you want to start a family, at some point this will be very valuable.
Tip 2: Is combining all the income in one account a good idea?
It is a yes, but at the same time it is a no, being in a situation of cohabitation or marriage, people usually follow what seems to be the best: keep money in a savings account where both put all their income in it.
In this scenario, percentages have been observed where they indicate that couples are happier in the relationship.
There is also the option that both parties do not have a savings account like this one, but that the expenses are shared equally.
The truth is that this will depend on what the two of you prefer. And whether it is a good idea or not will be decided as a team.
Tip 3: Financial independence
This is the most uncomfortable case to admit, depending on the money that your partner offers you to maintain the home and buy things usually works for some, but not so much for others.
Discussions about what to do with money are very common in spouses or partners, since sometimes we think that a purchase is totally absurd and the other person does not see it that way.
You have to be very careful with this. And the reason is, that your better half will feel without a vote of confidence, nor much less ability to decide on something within the relationship.
To solve this problem, be independent both.
Create a common savings fund, where you contribute a set percentage of your income every month, to pay for all necessary services.
And the rest they leave in their personal accounts, or in money envelopes. This is how easy a financial activity can be in love.
As long as you show a true order with these very important finances so that the home does not fall apart, love and money can be mixed and above all associated.