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Daddy Yankee's wife shares her happiness about losing weight

Mireddys Gonzalez, Daddy Yankee's wife, has posted on her Instagram account that she has lost more than 20 pounds.

This quite extreme, but effective diet is fashionable among celebrities, it has among its followers Kourtney Kardashian, model Adriana Lima and actress Halle Berry, among others.

This rather extreme, but effective diet is fashionable among celebrities, it has among its followers Kourtney and Kim Kardashian, Victoria's Secret model Adriana Lima and actress Halle Berry, among others.

Mireddys has said it has been difficult, but if she can, she has been on this eating plan for six months now and the results are excellent. And she shares the secret that it has worked for her to calm her craving for sweets and that is to drink black coffee with black sugar.

An enviable body without exercising, because she herself says she doesn't like them! Incredible really.

You are 7 pounds away from reaching your goal by focusing solely on improving your nutrition.

An example of improvement, of applying daily effort to real goals that will surely redound to benefits for your physical health.

And what does your famous husband think for more than 20 years?

Daddy calls her "The boss" and continues to like her on her social networks, it's all said. An unbreakable love that stands the test of time.

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