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Chicken feet: Benefits and the best recipe

Chicken feet: Benefits and the best recipe

We all know the effects of chicken feet broth against the flu, or to raise defenses, but do you know what makes them so powerful?

Behind its unpleasant appearance, nutrients, vitamins, proteins and minerals are hidden that make it not only a weapon against viruses, but also a source of physical and aesthetic health. And in case you are still not convinced, here I show you more than one reason to include it in your diet.

chicken feet health benefits

chicken feet benefits

The truth is that, although we want to avoid it, they are one of the most complete foods and recommended by specialists, and this is because of the following.

Strengthens the immune system

When looking for “health benefits of chicken feet” the first thing we will find is its action to strengthen the immune system, and this is thanks to its high content of Cysteine.

This component has various functions in the body, but one of the most important is this. This is because it is essential for the formation of Glutathione, an antioxidant that defends the body's cells by preventing their degeneration by harmful free radicals.

At the same time, studies show that when combining a chicken feet broth with other vegetables such as carrots, its effects are even greater for the strengthening of the organs and the immune system. This is due to the various nutrients and vitamins they contain.

Increases hemoglobin

When presenting low hemoglobin in a blood test, chicken feet broth is recommended to raise them to their normal state.

The reason for this lies in the high content of iron that each piece has, this mineral is essential to raise this protein from red blood cells, which is responsible for transporting oxygen to the rest of the organs.

Promotes the production of red blood cells

As with hemoglobin, iron is responsible for the increased production of red blood cells.

Hemoglobin is a protein of red blood cells and the effect of the mineral affects the two in chain.

For this reason, chicken feet are such an essential element for people diagnosed with anemia and cardiovascular problems, since their effect on the blood improves their condition more quickly.

Strengthens bones and tissues

Cysteine plays a part in this effect, but this benefit is also attributed to collagen.

Yes, the gelatin that we obtain from the chicken feet broth is the solidification of collagen. This component provides flexibility, in turn restores ligaments, tendons, joints and all kinds of tissues.

In addition, it has calcium, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur and magnesium, which allow them to be strengthened, and improve quickly in case of accidents.

Allows healthy and rejuvenated skin

This is mainly thanks to collagen, which helps to give greater elasticity and shine to the skin.

But this is not all, chicken feet also contain vitamin B2 and great antioxidants derived from vitamin A.

These, in combination with collagen, reduce degeneration caused by free radicals, nourish skin cells, neutralize skin conditions, and prevent and reduce the signs of aging.

On the other hand, it helps rapid healing, since in combination with the above nutrients and proteins, the effects of cysteine have a positive influence on skin recovery.

Neutralizes viruses and respiratory conditions

The star component of chicken feet has great weight in this problem, and it becomes our defense weapon by boosting the immune system.

But that's not all, when you have the flu or any pathology with a respiratory condition, cysteine acts as an expectorant, reducing the mucosa of the lungs and nasal passages, facilitating its expulsion.

speed up metabolism

If you have a slow metabolism, and despite diets your body is still overweight, the answer may be a chicken feet broth.

This is due to its high content of vitamin B6, among its different effects, it generates enzymes in the body and promotes the different metabolic processes. In this way it regulates the effect of sugars, proteins and fats, in addition to giving you more energy.

In combination with diet and exercise, it will give you greater performance to burn fat and better assimilate food.

Improves the functioning of the digestive system

The answer to this is in its gelatin, in addition to collagen, it has glycine, a component that acts as an antacid in the intestine.

This improves its functioning, but it also has anti- inflammatory effects.

This fused with vitamin B6 allows food to be better assimilated by absorbing nutrients.

Reduces blood pressure problems

The effects of cysteine, iron and the low caloric and fat levels that chicken feet have leads to keep these types of problems regulated.

However, studies show that the collagen in these chicken pieces can gradually reduce blood pressure.

This also influences the avoidance of cardiovascular and even cerebrovascular problems.

How to eat chicken feet?

If you have already convinced yourself of the great benefits of chicken feet, it is time to break down the barrier of their appearance. We cannot deny it, many people lose their appetite when they see their image, but here you will discover the best way to prepare them.

Chicken leg broth with vegetables

Chicken leg broth with vegetables

One of the easiest ways to prepare them is in a chicken feet broth, since the water mixes with the juices that the animal protein distills, so you can plate them without putting the piece of chicken.

However, if you are looking to make it pleasant for everyone and enhance its action in the body, a chicken feet broth soup is recommended. In it you will make use of the nutrients and flavor of the vegetables.

Here I show you what you need for the most practical recipe:

  • 300 g of chicken legs.

  • ½ pumpkin.

  • 2 large potatoes.

  • 3 large carrots.

  • 2 green bananas.

  • 2 chopped onions.

  • 4 cloves of crushed garlic.

  • 5 sweet peppers chopped without seeds.

  • 1 full branch of chopped celery.

  • ½ cup finely chopped coriander.

  • 3 tbsp of vegetable oil.

  • 1 liter of water.

  • Salt to taste.

To start the soup you must wash the animal protein with abundant water, remove the nails with a knife and any residue of its skin.

Then take a large pot, put the liter of water to cook over high heat. When it begins to boil, integrate the chicken legs keeping the fire.

Meanwhile, peel the vegetables and cut them into pieces of the size that best suits you. In the case of potatoes and squash, it is recommended not to make them so small so that during the cooking process they fall apart a little, this will thicken the soup.

Now integrate the vegetables and cook for 30 minutes. Before reaching 20 minutes, proceed to cut the onion, the peppers and crush the garlic. On a skillet over medium-low heat with the oil, fry these three ingredients.

When the crystalline onion is ready, you can integrate them with the rest of the preparation. To finish, when subtracting 10 minutes, place the celery, chopped cilantro and salt, let it finish cooking and when the vegetables are soft you can plate them.

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