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Portrait of Beyoncé to be exhibited in the historic hall of the National Portrait Gallery

The gallery in the room known as the National Portrait Gallery, of the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, is known as one of the most select and important in the country and in the world.

In this room are personalities such as the 44 US presidents and many others with high historical and cultural impact, positive and negative, such as known slave owners of centuries ago, Michelle Obama for being the only black first lady in the history of the United States of North America, and soon, there will also be the portrait of Beyoncé.


Representatives of the gallery have clarified / confirmed that they intend to promote certain changes in it, including artists from more diverse areas, maintaining, however, a transversal line in the promotion of culture and the fight against discrimination in all its forms, a fight that he has always supported and represented Beyoncé.

A special portrait of Tyler Mitchell

It was Tyler Mitchell, the artist in charge of Beyoncé's excellent portrait, who announced that it will soon be on display in the permanent collection of the National Portrait Gallery at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington.

The museum confirmed the news, but they have avoided setting a date, even potential, for the display of Beyoncé's portrait, although this has not dampened her fans who have already asked about the exhibition of the painting.

Tyler Mitchell on Instagram: “A year ago today we broke the flood gates open. Since then it was important to spend the whole year running through them making sure every…”

In 2018 alone, this gallery received more than 2,300,000 visits, making it one of the most visited in the world. These visits are expected to triple and much more thanks to the "call effect" that the African-American diva Beyoncé usually unleashes, as happened at the Louvre, which passed 10 million visits, after a video made by the artist in its spaces.

This work will allow us to document a significant change in the history of fashion photography through the representation of a key figure in American culture,” said Leslie Ureña, the manager of the museum's photo section.

In the portrait, Beyoncé appears leaning against a column in the Greek style, a very beautiful golden crown covers her head. Tyler Mitchell explains that this is Our Lady of the Star, which illuminates the way for the freedom of African American men and women.

As soon as the photographer uploaded the news to his Instagram account that Beyoncé's portrait would soon be part of the historic gallery, those responsible for the museum confirmed and deepened the message about its cultural mission and awareness of society in a comment-response to Mitchell:

"Our mission is to tell the history of the United States by portraying the people who shape the history, development and culture of this country"

Beyoncé also clarifies the portrait's sense of struggle and the reason that led her to work with the well-known Tyler Mitchell:

Until there is a mosaic of perspectives from different ethnicities behind the lens, we will maintain a narrow focus and vision of our worldview. That is why I wanted to work with this brilliant photographer.

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Lector. Músico y curioso como pocos. Fan de las viejas revistas y de los viejos tiempos.

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