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Selena Gomez recovering from her depression Now with green eyes?

It will launch its own line of cosmetic beauty and perfumes. The name of the music divas attracts many followers on social networks and many potential customers to the stores.

The cosmetic industry has been visionary in this regard and always convoking the stars to go one step further and become entrepreneurs, contributing their names and their millions of fans.

Such is the case with Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, Rhianna, Shakira and so many others who have launched with these projects.

Lady Gaga entered these businesses with Haus Laboratories, a makeup line sold by Amazon.

Now Selena Gomez has patented her brand with her name and will launch a line of beauty products, cosmetics, creams, perfumes and hair treatments.

This new project and the drugs are helping her a lot to recover from her depression. Although she has gained a few pounds from cortisone intake, she is determined to get out of this problem.

In this new process for Selena, her goal is to recover physically and mentally, in addition to definitively overcoming her final break with Justin Bieber.

With a history of depressive symptoms, the singer, once queen of social networks, suffered a severe picture of anxiety and depression due to her addiction to networks and was treated in a rehabilitation clinic.

The singer affirmed in an interview, after her hospitalization, that the comments on the networks generated anxiety, and she could not stop being aware of it, which became something insane, so she had to ask for professional help.

Today her activity on Instagram is not so intense, she learned to manage her active times on the screen so that she does not harm her health, and she is also very busy with her career and this new company project.

The singer is building a new image of herself and was seen at an event with green contact lenses and extensions, false eyelashes and highly produced makeup, as well as a splendid figure, fully recovered.

Selena Gomez on Instagram: “Everyone who goes to #WEday has earned their way there through acts of service. I got to surprise some of the kids making a difference.…”

Beautiful rebirth of this young music star.

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