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Foods with calcium that should not be missing during pregnancy

Foods with calcium for pregnant women.

For new mothers, it is essential to consume foods with calcium and vitamin D, to prevent preeclampsia and possibly premature births.

One of the factors that occurs most in pregnant women is preeclampsia, hypertension is the main threat in the gestation process.

What is calcium?

We are talking about a mineral that abounds in the human body and is responsible for maintaining strong bones and teeth. Our body cannot produce calcium, that is where the importance of consuming calcium through medicines or food lies.

Bones develop properly thanks to calcium intake, so we understand the priority of consuming it during pregnancy.

Importance of calcium in the human body.

Why are calcium and vitamin D important during pregnancy?

Understanding how relevant calcium and multivitamins are is something that every pregnant mother should know.

First of all, we understand that when you become pregnant, you are a human being that is forming in the womb, it is consuming all the nutrients it can from its mother.

On many occasions, this situation can generate wear or decalcification and that is why it is so important to keep yourself well fed during pregnancy.

Calcium prevents physical wear.

Usually it is about consuming 1000 mg a day, in the case of pregnant women not only the care of the teeth and bones is prevented, but also the good coagulation of the blood, the functioning of the nervous system and stable heart rhythm.

In the case of vitamin D, it will only be under medical recommendation, however, consuming it in food does not cause any harm. Vitamin D can help prevent gestational diabetes, postpartum hemorrhage, among other things.

Now, if you are just in the first few months and you have not yet coordinated the corresponding visit to the doctor, we will help you to know some foods rich in calcium and vitamin D that can help you stay strong.

Foods with calcium and vitamin D for pregnancy

These are the foods that pregnant women should consume during the embargo, rich in calcium and full of vitamins to maintain active health.

Dairy products:

  • Milk

  • Yogurt

  • Cheese

Dairy products are some of the most considerate listed regarding calcium intake.

However, we can find situations where mothers are lactose intolerant, given this we have more options to consume calcium through other foods.

The foods richest in calcium.

Some fruits and vegetables:

  • Mandarin

  • Kiwi

  • raspberries

  • Strawberries

  • figs

  • Papaya

  • currants

Other ideal foods to consume calcium.

Other foods with calcium:

  • hazelnuts

  • sardines

  • Walnuts

  • olives

  • Spinach

  • Leek

In the case of vitamin D we can highlight the consumption of fish: salmon, trout, mackerel, among others. Also the aforementioned dairy products and the consumption of fish liver oil,

The level of calcium varies according to age and recommendation, for example a developing child will have a different level of calcium intake than a pregnant woman.

Don't stop consuming calcium.

If it is a medical prescription, you will understand that some come for pediatric patients, others for pregnant women with other vitamins and other models alone in different quantities.

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The information you need about pregnancy and motherhood, from how to get pregnant to raising pre-school children.