Iraq: New drone attack against Prime Minister Mustafa al Kazemi

The Prime Minister of Iraq, Mustafa al Kazemi has called for calm and restraint from everyone after having managed to escape unscathed from an attack with a drone against his residence in the center of the Green Zone of Bagda, which has become a warning for the former Interior Minister.
Mostly in this part of the city rocket attacks are quite common, it must be remembered that there is also the United States Embassy.
However, this time the attack was carried out from three armed drones, according to what was reported by the Interior Ministry.
Thanks to the rapid action of the Security Forces, two of the aircraft were shot down, but the third ended up hitting the residence.
In this event, six of the president's bodyguards have been injured and serious material damage was observed in a place that is one of the most armored in Iraq.
Mustafa's response to Kazemi
Minister Kazemi has given a speech directed through television where he assured that " cowardly attacks with drones and rockets do not build homelands and do not build a future."
Iraq is once again becoming a nation that is once again leaning over the edge of the precipice due to the instability generated after the elections of October 10.
Only two days have passed since the violent demonstrations led by supporters of Shiite militias loyal to Iran for this failed attack on the prime minister to take place. It must be remembered that the loyal Shiites have not wanted to accept defeat at the polls.
This is how this group of people consider that those elections of October 10 have been a fraud and a scam.
In these protests, at least two protesters were killed by shots fired by the Security Forces who resorted to fire to try to prevent the march from reaching the Green Zone.
The leader of the militia Asaib Ahj al-Haq, during the funerals of the fallen, addressed a few words saying the following: "The protesters only had one lawsuit against fraud in the elections. Answering with live fire means that you are the main responsible for this fraud. "
The crowd has demanded revenge against the prime minister for considering him as the main responsible for the green light for the use of real firearms against the mobilization, for which it is believed that this attack against him is part of the consequence of the reprisals against said marches.
Attack alerts
Just 48 hours before the failed attack, Al Khazali alerted on Friday a possible attack: "The attempt by actors linked to the intelligence services to bomb the Green Zone and then accuse us of these events."
It did not take two days for this alert to become a reality. The government has already opened an investigation to try to clarify everything that happened.
Currently Iraq has become a fragmented country where one party turned its gaze to Iran to its militias, who have all the necessary potential to carry out these types of attacks, while Tehran has immediately condemned this fact.
"It is an act of sedition where I hold foreign groups responsible" were the words shared through the social network of Twitter by the secretary of the Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani.
No election results
Most see the hand of Iran, the Iranians that of foreign groups and Baghda once again becomes the board where different countries settle their differences. It must be borne in mind that a month has passed since the October 10 elections and the final results are not yet known.
However, all the data that has been offered by the Electoral Commission points to a debacle of the political arm of the Shiite militias, who would lose from 48 seats to only 15. While the movement of the cleric Muqtada Al Sader has been the clear winner of the electoral contest.
It is also a Shiite group, but with a marked nationalist character and that is much less linked to Iran. This is how Al Sader has alerted Iraqis that this type of attack only seeks to return the country to a state of conflict and chaos to facilitate control by non-state forces.
On the other hand, Iraqi President Barham Salih has described this attack as a terrorist attack and has called for national unity against criminals.
The United States has also spoken out about this fact, considering it an apparent act of terrorism and Ned Price, the State Department spokesman, has offered help to carry out this investigation and find those responsible as soon as possible.
Saudi Arabia has also joined the list of countries that have condemned this act, calling this attack a cowardly terrorist act. Luckily for Iraq, this fact has only ended in a scare and warning for Prime Minister Kazemi who has managed to emerge unscathed from the attack.
If there had not been swift action by the Security Forces, the people of Iraq may be living through a tragedy right now and the beginning of a new era of attacks and chaos.