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Now YouTube allows us to download videos officially

YouTube is testing another item for the work area site, which will allow customers to download recordings.

To download the recordings, it was necessary to use some informal page or record with a program in the work area. Currently, YouTube has a simpler method to do so for customers who use the scenario from a pc through a download button built-in Alternatives to watch the video.

YouTube ProMium

Until now, YouTube only allows you to download recordings in the portable applications of iOS and Android, and only to Premium customers of payment. The extraordinary advantage of this element is that we can see the recordings anywhere, without expecting to have an Internet connection fast enough; It is great for downloading recordings and seeing them during an excursion, for example.

This is the new YouTube option currently

Currently, it is conceivable that this video download utility reaches the site of YouTube. The organization is now tasting a certain number of records, which would already be able to download recordings in your pc or portable device.

Curiosity is important for "Exploration capabilities" and subsequently, it can be accessible for a restricted time frame. To start it, we must have YouTube and access the page to promulgate the most outstanding aspects. However, in Spain it does not seem to be accessible yet, and only the customers of states seem to have the option to actuate it. From that page we can also start other highlights, for example, "Picture in Picture" In iOS, which allows us to have a sliding video in our iPhone while we do other things.

Once started, the discharge projection appears as another button just below the video, next to the Share or Save buttons in the list. When we press it, the download of the video begins; When it ends, from that moment the video will be accessible in the new download segment, from where we can see it as many times as we need offline. The main requirement is that we associate with some extent once every 30 days to preserve the video.

The new YouTube option is compatible with these devices and browsers

This main program is only compatible with Chromium programs; That is, chrome, edge, operates and others, however, will not take care of Firefox orSafari; Even though, in any case, it is viable with most work frameworks as Windows, macOS or Chromeos.

The'test'It will be extended until October 19, and for now it is indistinct when it will take place for everyone. It is a striking statement, considering that YouTube has strongly content against the programs that discharge recordings from its foundation; The important thing is that this component does not allow reaching recordings from outside the Internet browser, so there is no danger that they can be replicated.

This is the way you see offline content

For this, the first thing to do is enter the YouTube testing page, where in case we are purchased, it will allow us to test the instrument, if it will not make us the challenge of getting prémium.

Then, at that point, we simply have to enter the main page of the stage, where another option will appear near the like, aversion and save holders that says "download". At the time when we click on this option, the program will show us a window that will reveal the progress of the download and towards the end there will be another part at the top from where we can look at the recordings we have downloaded.

In this device we can also choose the quality of the download, being the highest alternative Full HD 1080p and the base 144p. The recordings that we download will not be saved in a folder of our PC that we select, but will be saved directly in the program reservation and now to duplicate them will be from a similar window from where we can see the inventory.

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Redactor para páginas web, aficionado de los videojuegos y la tecnología.

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