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Learn to make the best crispy baked chicken wings to share

Learn how to make the best crispy baked chicken wings

We cannot deny it, baked chicken wings are one of the best dishes to share with friends and family. Although I assure you that with this recipe that you will learn you will not want to distribute them.

Currently, there are thousands of ways to prepare these exquisite pieces. However, baking them with a crispy finish is the easiest and most appetizing way that will make everyone's mouth water, and here I show you the most practical and safe way to obtain them.

How to make baked chicken wings with a crispy finish?

How to make crispy baked chicken wings?

To get crispy baked chicken wings, there are different procedures that we can try.

However, if you don't have many minutes and you want crispy wings, but at the same time juicy inside, I recommend that you follow this recipe.


  • 10 units of wings.

  • Extra virgin olive oil 3 tbsp.

  • dried oregano 1 tsp.

  • Powdered pepper 2 tsp.

  • Garlic powder 2 tsp.

  • Ground pepper.

  • Salt.

  • Corn starch 40 g.

  • Baking powder 10 g.

  • The juice of half a lemon.

Preparing Crispy Baked Chicken Wings

Preparing Crispy Baked Chicken Wings

Now with the ingredients prepared, how to make crispy baked chicken wings? Well, pay attention, and put on your apron to start with the following steps.

1. Clean the wings

In general, when buying the wings at the butcher, they come with small details that we must remove, such as remains of feathers or roots, this to make the tasting more pleasant.

On the other hand, remove the tips of the wings, as these are just bone, leaving the meatiest parts to prepare.

Finally, wash them with plenty of water. Some wings come with mucous residue, so it's best to remove them with a water bath.

2. Spice up

For succulent baked chicken wings, seasoning is key. For this reason, he proceeds to take the wings to a bowl, where he integrates the pepper, the garlic powder and the oregano, together with the salt and freshly ground pepper to taste.

Mix them well and reserve them, let each of the ingredients penetrate sufficiently for a minimum of 1 hour.

3. Active ingredients to generate the crunchy effect

If you ask yourself, what makes the wings crispy in the oven, the answer lies in the active ingredients that you integrate into the preparation. Cornstarch, accompanied by baking powder and lemon juice, are the main ones.

Now, mix the starch with the baking powder, and then place the reserved wings on your table, to these integral mixture. Spread the powder well so that each wing is covered, and to seal them, apply the tablespoons of olive oil and mix.

Lemon juice is applied once the wings are on the tray.

4. To the tray and to the oven

Once prepared, prepare a rack with a low tray, since the latter will collect the liquids and fat. Place the wings on the grid and once they are done, sprinkle the juice of half a lemon on top.

The oven must be preheated to 220° C, and maintaining that temperature, insert the tray of wings at a medium level in the oven for 20 minutes.

Then, as they are golden on that side, they are removed to turn them over and put back in until they finish browning.

Depending on your oven, the time may vary, so the most accurate check will be to see if they are already golden enough.

And that's it, with this you can taste the best baked chicken wings, without the need to fry them. All you have to do is accompany them with your favorite sauces and let's eat!

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