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These are the trends of natural makeup 2022

Natural makeup 2022.

Every year, makeup techniques evolve to obtain better finishes and faster. If you don't do much makeup, or you have a fast life, then you should know what those tricks are to learn how to beautify your skin with natural makeup 2022.

Forget complicated makeup and large amounts of products, looking beautiful is simpler than you think. Keep in mind that you only have to enhance your features to shine. Now get ready to write down what you must have in a simple and natural makeup.

Steps for a natural makeup 2022

From here, I will teach you the steps you must follow to make natural makeup; Of course, accompanied by current recommendations that will facilitate the process.

take care of your face

Ice to close the pores.

Keep in mind that by having a simple and natural makeup, we are leaving aside the excessive layers of beauty products.

These are the ones that manage to completely hide any imperfection, therefore, we must have a healthy and well-cared-for skin so as not to need them.

To achieve this, a beauty routine is required that you can execute when you wake up and before bed. This should exfoliate, hydrate, clarify and protect your face without makeup.

Already with a rejuvenated face, we must take into account 3 care tips, before putting on makeup.

  1. Cleanse your face with micellar water: This product removes any oil and dirt residue, purifying and preparing the face.

  2. Put ice on your face: Wrapped in a thin scarf, make small touches, as its effect closes the pores. In this way you take care of your face, and at the same time, the skin does not absorb cosmetics.

  3. Apply sunscreen: Even if it's not sunny, even the brightness of electronic elements affect your skin accordingly with makeup.

Apply the right foundation

There are many makeup brands today, some with more benefits than others, but among all of them, you must choose the one that best suits your skin type.

Evaluate for this, always on your face, two main aspects:

  • Correct tone.

  • Fat level.

Beyond the quality, extra components and durability, you must bear in mind that for a natural makeup it has to be the exact tone of your skin.

On the other hand, some foundations are designed for dry faces and others oily, so if you choose the wrong one, it can go against what your skin needs.

Apply your base with blending sponges, covering each space, without forgetting areas such as the ears and the neck. These should be covered to give more naturalness to your image.

apply concealer

Do not forget to apply concealer, since sometimes the foundations do not manage to level the tone throughout the face.

Thus, where you notice dark areas, such as the common ones under the eyes, it is vital to apply this product.

Blend it well with a different sponge, and smaller than the one used for the base.

points of light

Simple and pretty makeup

Apply illuminator to certain areas, as this will give youth and freshness to your face.

In this sense, distribute it subtly under the eyebrow at its culmination, on the straight line and tip of your nose and on the upper part of your cheekbones.

The key to its application is to blur it at the right point, that is, to make it obvious, but without exaggerating.

cream blush

Certainly, powder blushes are much easier to apply, despite this, cream blushes are recommended for natural makeup.

The reason for this fact is that you can apply them with your own fingers, and by placing them on the foundation, and then sealing with powder, the effect looks much more natural.

Of course, remember to choose a shade that realistically matches your skin tone.

comb your eyebrows

One of the 2022 natural makeup trends is the hairstyle of the eyebrows, something that favors girls with enough hair.

The technique emphasizes placing a gel on the eyebrows, to slightly stretch them upwards, with a special brush.

In the event that you do not have so many hairs, you can apply an eyebrow shadow or pencil, darkening the area a little, and then comb it without gel.

Give depth to your look

Natural eye makeup.

The look is one of the most important focuses in natural makeup 2022. But how do I achieve a natural impact look? For this you will need three elements.

  1. Brown eyeliner.

  2. White eyeliner.

  3. Mascara lash.

Start by outlining your eyes on the top line with the brown pencil. This will give naturalness and in turn depth, just try to do it very close to the edge.

Then, proceed with the white pencil, outlining the lower edge of the eye right on the edge, without leaving excesses, as the color allows you to visually enlarge the eye.

Finish by placing the mascara, and if your lashes are not positioned on top, curl them before applying the product.

nude lips

Leaving the lips bare is not a technique that does not involve makeup, because for this you have different options, however, I will show you the easiest ones.

For a natural makeup 2022, you can apply nude lipsticks, evaluate the natural color of your lips and choose a lighter or darker shade, depending on your skin color.

You can also make use of gloss lipsticks, those that leave a crystalline and refreshing effect on the image of your mouth. In this way, this area is enhanced without exaggeration.

If you want your lips to look bigger and fuller, I recommend that before applying the previous products, you outline the silhouette of your lips with a nude pencil.

The strokes you have made, blur them well and then apply lipstick or gloss. Keep in mind that the pencil should be a different shade than your lips.

Enhance your beauty with few cosmetics, because having a simple and natural makeup is possible with these simple tips.

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