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Today marks the 8th anniversary of the death of soul singer Amy Winehouse

Today it would be 8 years since the death of the singer Amy Winehouse because of her excesses with alcohol. Despite this, everyone remembers her for her musical projects, which have been considered a relic in the musical world, and for her nobility that may not have been perceived in her last years of life.

Amy Winehouse was admitted to the emergency room on July 23, 2011 due to excessive alcohol intake. In this way, paramedics and medical professionals realized that her body alcohol levels had exceeded the limits and would be located in causing death for anyone, which turned out to be true for Winehouse.

The soul singer passed away at the age of 27 because of a few years of neglect and living in a quite toxic state. In this way, he would be joining those greats of music who died at the same age, forming part of the considered "club of 27".

Amy Winehouse has lived a tragic journey since her debut in the music industry. The reality is that the success came to her in a dizzying way and the artist did not know how to control her musical career or her personal life. All this, coupled with various factors such as her alcoholism or her toxic relationship with Blake Fielder-Civil, led her to decline.

Winehouse lived with alcoholism from her beginnings as a singer, as that helped her control her anxiety problems when performing live. Still, perhaps the thing that most degraded her life was falling in love with Blake Fielder-Civil. All this love affair, would lead to a drug addiction and live a toxic relationship for many years.

Despite this, not everything was a disgrace for Amy Winehouse's life. In 2006, he released his album Back To Blac k, which became an immediate success and won him a number of major awards, including 5 Grammy Awards.

In Back To Black various personal aspects of the soul diva are related. In this way, we see a quite sincere Winehouse talking about heartbreak and, most controversially, releasing a single that talks about how her father did not want her to go to rehab, since he considered she was in a good emotional state. The single would be the well-known song "Rehab".

To this day, Amy Winehouse continues to be considered one of the greats of soul and occupies the place alongside great artists who died, in the same way, at the age of 27 because of tragic events in their lives, such as Kurt Kobain and Brian Jones.

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