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Lizbeth Rodríguez declared "I'm sorry, Luisito Comunica"

In social networks a video is circulating where Lizbeth Rodríguez is seen reading the messages of the youtuber Ryan Show, but without realizing that he was reviewing a message from Luisito Comunica where he presumed to have had sex with a girl who was not his partner.

The host of the controversial YouTube program apologized to the most popular youtuber in Mexico, but her words cleared up any doubts about infidelity

"Luis, I do not have the honor of meeting you, but with all my heart, I am sorry", were the words of Lizbeth Rodríguez, presenter of "Exposing Infidels", after the controversy that caused a video where an alleged betrayal of Luisito Comunica was exposed to his girlfriend Cinthya.

The original video was deleted, but it had already been downloaded by several users who were in charge of spreading it. The names of those involved became a trend and "La Chule", as the girlfriend of the youtuber is known, published a video on his Instagram.

Holding back crying, the young woman asked to be stopped labeling, and said she doubted the veracity of the whole thing. "Stop doing those things, because neta you don't know what it's like to have such a public relationship. Please, please stop labeling me, if I want to talk about it, but stop labeling me."

He did not accept or deny anything, so the doubts about the veracity continued. However, on the afternoon of July 17, Lizbeth Rodríguez published a video where she apologized to Luisito Comunica.

The presenter did not admit that it was something false, so her apologies ended up confirming that she read messages that Luis did send to his friend Ryan Show.

He said that at no time was his intention "to affect the public image of any youtuber. Unfortunately things got out of hand. Ryan's cell phone was full of conversations involving certain famous youtubers."

If the betrayal and subsequent breakup of Luisito Comunica with "La Chule" were confirmed, they would have ended their five-year courtship.

Lizbeth Rodríguez justified herself by saying that she did not review the video before publishing it: "" This time I failed, I did something that I had never been allowed to do... I did not have the opportunity to review the material that was edited before the video came out. "

"I always review any video, but this time I couldn't. So I want to offer a public apology to Luisito Comunica and to all those affected for exposing part of his private life," he concluded.

C͟͟I͟͟N͟͟T͟͟H͟͟Y͟͟A͟͟ on Instagram: “En el desierto, en el mar o en la ciudad. 04.07.14”

Luisito Comunica, the most popular youtuber in Mexico, published a kind of statement on Instagram and Twitter:

“Wow, I woke up and my phone was in chaos. I see you love to gossip. Everyone can believe what they want and think how they like. I am happy and calm. We are a very cool community of fans that does not have to be falling into these 'controversial' games. I love".

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