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Today is international beer day!

Today is #DiaInternacionalDeLaCerveza! Beer lovers will love this.

It happened one day in 2008 in a California pub, when a group of friends got together to celebrate beer day, initially it was celebrated on August 5, however, it was later decided that it would be celebrated on the first Friday of August to that everyone in the world could celebrate.

Since beer is one of the oldest and richest beverages, the first recipe is known in the Hammurabi code and has been passed down through generations being perfected.

Some benefits of beer are:

* It is a good antioxidant.

* It is low in fat.

*It has vitamins.

* Delays menopause.

* Prevents Alzheimer's.

* Improve social relationships.

So it's Friday and the body knows it. Let's celebrate!

International beer day

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Redactora mexicana y estudiante de Derecho.

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