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Maternity in adolescence: How to deal with it?

Maternity in adolescence

Adolescence is a transitory stage through which all human beings go, those of us who are on the side of maturity or adulthood, we tend to see with coldness and lack of compassion the process that many young people go through.

On many occasions, we classify a young adolescent as an immature, clumsy, crazy, irresponsible person with a lack of commitment, and it is that these qualifications by parents and adults only generate more social pressure; and it is what allows these young people to make decisions without thinking about tomorrow.

Teenage mothers

Today we will talk about teenage mothers.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines adolescent age between 10 and 19 years, after childhood and before adulthood, so we can categorize an adolescent mother is one who remains pregnant during this age period.

17% of babies born in the world come from an adolescent mother, although there are studies that highlight that these statistics are in decline, the percentage is high.

Many young women from 10 to 19 years old are mothers every day and most do not know how to face this new stage of their lives.

Challenges faced by a teenage mother

There are many things we can do to help you beyond judging your actions.

Although it is true, an early pregnancy is not something planned, we must understand that it is not something that was in the mind of this young woman; on the contrary, pregnancy at this age becomes the consequence of a decision made at the wrong time.

This brings as consequences: fear, criticism, and judgment on the part of all those people who are around him. What many do not know is that all these accusations damage both the identity of the mother and that of the baby.

Pregnant teens go from having benefits to acquiring responsibilities. An example of this can be those who stop studying and postpone some personal achievements, because they are no longer alone, there is already another little person who depends on her.

Your body also changes completely, your hips widen, your breasts begin to produce breast milk, your body must work in advance to shelter a new tenant in your body.

That is why many births are risky because the body even in the adolescent is not ripe for delivery.

Risks of a baby with a teenage mother

Most of these babies are born premature and very underweight. This, in addition to the lack of vitamin, is a consequence of some mothers hiding their pregnancy, until a few months have passed.

The baby of a teenager can face many problems or risks, both physical and emotional; and to this it is added that the mortality rate in the infants of an adolescent is also higher than in a young adult.

There are studies that show that the 50% higher probability of death in the babies of an adolescent than in those of an adult woman is due to intrauterine growth restriction, premature birth, low weight and malformations.

Dangers during the delivery of an adolescent

There are many risks, but if this young woman receives the necessary help, the baby can be born without major complications.

  • Among the dangers that are run are the following:

  • Delivery before 40 weeks, many babies are born after the 6th month, which is risky for the baby.

  • Spontaneous abortions are the result of infections due to lack of sexual habits and hygiene or prenatal care.

  • Vaginal tears that can occur during the birthing process.

Health during pregnancy in an adolescent

Both the new mother and those around her must ensure the proper development of the pregnancy.

That is why the diet must be healthy and balanced, accompanied by supplements and vitamins prescribed by a family doctor, both for the mother and the baby.

Emotionally, it is enough with the physical and hormonal changes that the new mother faces, to this she must add the criticism, rejection and scolding from those who should accompany her in this process of her life.

That is why you must have emotional health, feel understood, because at the end of the day it is a process that must be overcome, and it will only be possible with good guidance and family support.

Being an adolescent mother is a story of great challenge and challenge, although the way in which the baby is gestated in her womb was not the most suitable or planned, the important thing is what her relatives will do with her and her baby from the moment gestation.

We can change the baby's story, hugging and protecting him without forgetting that mother who needs company, mentors and accompaniment.

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Pastora, educadora, redactora, creadora de contenido web y asesora de bienestar natural. Temas de interés: Familia, crianza, mujeres, bienestar natural.

Curiosities of life, stories from before, and all the interesting information for those who already have an age.