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Demonstrations in Hong Kong arrive at the international airport

The escalation of protests in Hong Kong remains standing, although the authorities decided to suspend the Law on Extradition to China that triggered the protests, groups that demand more demands remain, including people who have always protested wanting their full autonomy, something that China flatly denies.

In this case, it stands out that during the protests, people were able to observe a part of the Hong Kong airport employees, sitting on the ground, all wearing black shirts in a planned shot of the same and so far no violent incidents have been recorded. Unlike some recent protests in the street, the takeover of the airport was destined to be noticed by passengers since the Hong Kong airport is one of the most people moving daily in the world.

Hong Kong airport protests, an effective plan to get noticed

It is undeniable that these protesters met their objective, even though the protests for weeks were already followed by all the major media, the impact of the large number of passengers when finding hundreds of people with black shirts and banners is something that cannot happen unnoticed.

The protesters shout at all times "Free Hong Kong", it is not known if in reference to the law or with separatist pretensions regarding China. At the same time, they distributed leaflets and propaganda against Hong Kong warning tourists of the danger of sightseeing in the place by the police attacking innocent people.

These latest actions bring the danger point of an intervention by the Chinese army closer, just hours ago the Chinese authorities made it clear that their army could intervene whether the local authorities request it or if public order is seriously compromised by these demonstrations. China has thousands of army soldiers in the area and could activate them to control the protests with an order from the central power.

Protest called at the scene of recent clashes

The world recently observed images and videos of protesters in favor and against the protests confronting each other in one of the days, since the organizations that lead these protests are calling for a massive protest on Saturday in the same place of the riots, from now on the police have denied permission for it, but the leaders insist on doing it by force and challenging the authorities if they consider it necessary.

Everything indicates that the protesters will insist on advancing more and more and the Hong Kong authorities will use all their resources to avoid the need for the intervention of the Chinese army, however, Hong Kong belongs to China and the last word will be had by the government of the great world power, who have made maneuvers along the coasts and keep their units on alert to prevent the protests from becoming violent or affecting the city of Hong Kong, its citizens and / or tourists.

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Lector. Músico y curioso como pocos. Fan de las viejas revistas y de los viejos tiempos.

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