OpenSea and the fever for NFTs
In Opensea the figure of 100,000 NFTs sold has been announced

Without a doubt, this is a very big ambition for wanting to be the largest and most competitive market in the world with respect to NFTs. So it is estimated that there were at least more than 300,000 billion dollars in transactions alone, a real outrage.
Wanting to make more completely crazy and innovative NFTs has come to make this platform the best for its style. For what has been in the sights of fans, entrepreneurs and artists around the world.
What is Open Sea?
Opensea begins with the illusion of being the market as big as or beyond Amazon itself, but everything changed when it did not want to do the same thing by selling everything, but only one thing from "the NFTs".
This is how it started only in the year 2021, with a breakthrough and from then on it was progressively voracious.
In less than two months of his release in a small cave , he raised more than 850,000 million dollars, something that no one expected and surely neither did they.
All that is known is that it was a projection about everything that was lost in the pandemic and they wanted to portray it there, on the internet. An idea where everyone could make a profit and their art would be shown to the digital world.

The clarity of all this begins when one of the creators wisely comments that many who were interested in cryptocurrencies wanted one that cost nothing and was worth a lot.
For this reason, the value is that which the person gives it, as if from an auction it were assumed, something that definitely changed the digital market and the world.
How does Open Sea work?
The function of Opensea is very common, it is just like a digital market in which we can get NFTs, it is like talking about an online store, the only thing different is that you can only buy only NFTs.
Also, that it is completely different; You must understand that this trade is completely linked to the Ethereum network. So it has a cryptographic security encryption, and that makes it impenetrable to anyone who wants to hack, or be a complete obstacle to the platform itself.
Knowing that it is linked to Ethereum, you will assume that one of the things to buy in this store is that you must be of legal age and have a wallet.
So you will have to verify with your digital wallet to the corresponding page, with this you will make it known that you are the person who wants to enter the system and that you are not a completely different person.
Not only Ethereum can be connected to this digital commerce, but also Polygon, which as we know is a crypto that is in one of the best positions, since it offers programming versatility and also comes from the base of Ethereum.
There is not so much complication because OpenSea offers you at least more than 100 tokens to be able to pay the NFT you want.
How to sell NTFs on OpenSea?
It is very easy to sell, we would have to go specifically to the gallery and leave a completely clean and striking trail so that they can buy from you. You could create a collection of your artwork or audio that you have created.
Then you would have to give it a name and explain it in detail. In this way you would give knowledge of how you did it or how the inspiration came to you to originate said work.
It will come out after you have finished something called: "Properties, levels and statistics", all this if you have a specific collection or it is based on a game where you can add bonuses.
After all that you can choose whether to sell it at a standard price or you want to take it to auction. Everything could have a price because you would have to pay to show your work, which would be between 60 and 300 dollars.
Then the market team will observe your work and you will have to wait for their verification, when they verify it will be that you expect someone to buy your NFT.
Beware of fake NTFs on OpenSea
It is impressive to know that a page of such caliber can get these types of inconveniences and big problems. It can indeed happen, and more so when it is a completely digital business. Therefore, you have to be very careful and very observant when buying an NFT.
Opensea has mentioned before several cases of users who have reported irregularities on the platform, telling them that they will do everything to improve said security.
One of the most recommended things is to know which NFT you are going to buy, in addition to reviewing the profile of the person who has done it. Well, knowing what you are going to buy will give you a very specific idea of: Who, how and when did it. This is where you could check if it is a person who has copied the NFT, or if it is not the person who made the NFT.
There is no doubt that although it is a business led by completely professional and responsible people, it is known that care must be taken, because at any moment the unthinkable can happen.
People were so impressed that Opensea confirmed that the vast majority of these NFTs were completely plagiarism.
That is why many users have publicly complained about these situations, since their projects have been taken away and they have felt cheated by this page.