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What to do, see and enjoy in Stuttgart Germany?

Stuttgart is the sixth-largest city in all of Germany. Located near Munich and Frankfurt, it has countless delights among its landscapes, streets, way of life, gastronomy and among many other things.

Take a walk along Königstrasse, between its commercial life and the attraction point such as some of the most important food and entertainment venues. Its name in Spanish translates as "Calle del Rey" and is the site of the Art Museum among other galleries.

This city is home to one of the most important headquarters of this brand of Mercedes-Benz cars. In this venue you can discover the history of at least 120 years of experience and with an exhibition of more than 160 vehicles in the different rooms of the place.

Close to the Mercedes-Benz museum, located in the outskirts of the Obertürkheim neighborhood, it has many curiosities such as the first mobile Pope that they made for Pope Paul VI.

Stuttgart is well known for having the largest number of mineral water pools in all of Europe. There are so many spas in this city that you can choose those that have medicinal properties in their waters, or choose those that can control the temperature of the pool, with sauna rooms, spas, restaurants, among others.

The Fernsehturm or better known in Spanish as the Television Tower is one of the best places to contemplate the entire city of Stuttgart from above. Located at the highest point of the Hoher Bopser hill, this was the first tower in the world built in reinforced concrete between the years of 1954 and 1956.

When you reach 150 meters in height you will find a cafeteria with everything you need to admire the best of the views of Stuttgart.

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