Getting pregnant is something that can be done very well planned, for this it is necessary to know what is the fertile period of a woman? Those days will be essential to achieve the dream of being a mother.
Although the first thing we must highlight is that all women tend to have different processes, there are some small coincidences that should be taken advantage of.
First of all, it is important to know if your period (menstruation) is regular, since everything will be much easier if it is. In the same way, we will see some recommendations and always recommend medical advice as a priority.
What days correspond to a woman's fertile period?
A woman's menstrual cycle is 28 days, it is one or two days before the ovulation process. But when does this happen? If your menstruation cycle is regular then the ovulation process will start on the 11th day after your last period.
Fertile days model.
To make your counting process more practical, you can use the online ovulation calculators and these will show you the fertile days according to your first day of period. Click here to get your calculation.
Ovulation and fertility.
How many days does the fertility process last?
We talk about the 11 days after the first day of your last period, but it is really 6 exact days that fertility lasts.
An example of this would be the following: If your period came on May 10, your fertility process begins on May 21 until May 26 or 27, in this case the 24th would be the most accurate day to plan the meeting between the egg and the sperm.
Did you know that the ovulation process changes according to the time of year, in spring ovulation usually occurs in the morning and in autumn and winter in the afternoon. An interesting fact if you want the stork to visit you.
Take control by dates.
What if my period is irregular?
It is very important to have a medical control, there are women who can last months without having their menstrual cycle process, so ovulation can be quite difficult and in fact there would be no days of fertility.
There are various factors that are associated with irregular periods, which is why we indicate the importance of a medical check-up, here a proper blood test will be carried out to determine some values and the process of conceiving the baby.
Irregular period what to do?
How do I know if I'm ovulating?
Another very common way to know that you are in the process of ovulating is through the pelvic mucus. Surely you have noticed at times that it is usually more abundant, but very clearly, because you are about to enter the ovulation process.
Fertile period of the woman.
The mucus changes shades, it can be white, yellow or cloudy, in the case of ovulation you will notice that it is quite transparent.