Secrets of Disney World
One of the most famous places on the planet is the Walt Disney. From its amazing attractions to the experiences with the characters that you delighted with as a child, the delicious food.

The tour of the wonderful world of Disney will be remembered until the end of time. What we do not know is that the work in these facilities is full of rules in which there should be no margin of error.
A group of workers who have stopped providing their services in the recreational area, at the time of being absent, decided to share confidential data of the internal work. These data will make you think, inform you and give you tips for your next trip to Orlando.
With this information, you will see Walt Disney World from another perspective:
Workers' words when they are angry

If at the time of visiting the park, one of the workers of the place tells you: "Have a Disney Day" (Have a Disney day), it is because you have made him angry, and this is a way to send the devil, the public.
It is presumed that they have created this code to keep calm, and to be able to continue doing their work.
Do not evade the character

Regardless of the situation, Disney World workers do not have the option to leave the character, while using the costumes. It is important that visitors to the park always feel the magic.
Outstanding language

Whenever a visitor to the recreation area enters a site they are not allowed to be, staff will call out to them as if an individual had entered behind the scenes. Assuming that in this place everything is a theater.
Rules on dress, with or without costume

Although the workers are not on the scene, they must comply with a dress code, in which they must wear casual clothing.
By not complying with these regulations, they can be seen as an individual who is out for a walk. Disney asks its workers to always be in the best possible condition.
Requirement for princesses

For the role of each of the people who work in the park facilities, the staff is chosen strictly. For Disney princesses, your request is that they must be between 1.64 and 1.76 meters tall.
Advantages of Disney world

In case workers abide by the establishment's golden rule, they will certainly enjoy all the benefits they offer.
Some of them are that they allow them completely free entry on your days off, as well as discounts on drinks, food, product in the store and discounts for family and friends.
Jungle restructuring

The jungle of Disney's Animal Kingdom has plunged a few feet below the ground.
This is due to a tiny depression that creates a favorable and special scenario for the creatures. However, many people believe that this has happened because of the existing sinkholes in central Florida.
Small suits

Disney has a reputation for small suits. Despite this, the staff still manages to do their best. This shows that the company is very strict when choosing workers.

It is impossible not to ask people who have worked at Disney about the 3:00 pm parade.
Former employees comment that even after returning home, they always remember what time is the famous amusement park march and its precise route.
Secret Mickeys

At Walt Disney World, there are countless Mickey Mouse heads that have been covered up.
Visitors to the park can spend a long time looking for them and trying to decipher them, as well as trying to translate the way they are found to find the next head.
This is one of the many interesting exercises that can be done on a Disney, ensuring that the experience is completely unique.
Clothing compartment

Disney staff have had to share their clothing, as much of these costumes require a unique type of clothing. Some of these garments are: suspenders, shorts, tight-fitting socks, etc.
Some workers complained that these were not clean when they were abandoned. They even contracted parasites or different microbes through clothing.
Disney clarified that it would make a valuable effort to comply with the wishes of its workers.
Currently, employees can take their clothes home, wash it, and store it for them.
Point with two fingers

Walt Disney, the creator of this whole amusement park, did not like when people who made any kind of movements or signals with their hands, used only one finger.
Therefore, he required all staff to use two fingers while pointing out any path or guiding guests.
In addition to this, they are allowed to use the palm of their hand to mark the way.
An "I don't know" is not accepted as an answer.

Walt Disney World trains its employees with extensive training so that they are ready to attend to almost any question that comes their way. And if you don't know the answer, you have to find out immediately by calling your superior.
Cropped eyebrows not accepted

Female staff members are not allowed to cut their eyebrows, they must be perfectly accommodated. Also, braids are allowed, but not rosary braids.
Keep mosquitoes away

Being located in Florida, it is to be expected that Disney World will have a lot of mosquitoes in its park, because the wetlands that surround the city are exposed to the bugs, so Disney World takes care of this with something they call the "Mosquito Surveillance Program".
Thanks to a video from blogger Rob Plays, Disney World workers can be seen trapping mosquitoes in carbon dioxide traps.
A group then dissects the critters before choosing the best way to control the population to enhance the Disney World guest experience. The recreation area has even chosen to source chickens to help eat a specific type of insect.
Loss of minors

For security reasons, Disney staff never refer to the disappearance of a child as a "lost child". Instead, they are called "lost adults" and they communicate this to the rest of the staff by radio.
In this way, possible kidnappings in the park are prevented. This is a really crafty strategy that could be used in different establishments.
Facial hair prohibited

Assuming that the person wants to work at Disney, and has a voluptuous beard, then he will have to decide on only one.
Another of his many rules has to do with the face and expresses that by no means would it be a good idea to have a beard. They demand that it must be fully trimmed and show no growth.
The dissemination of the work on Social Networks is prohibited

Disney staff have permission to use their social networks without any problem, as long as they are in non-work time. It is strictly forbidden for employees to carry electronic devices with them when they are on their work hours.
Employees can never post any details of their work on social media.
Disney Employees

Being part of this great Walt Disney World family, the staff will never be referred to as an employee. He will be appointed as a Staff Member.
This is because within Disney everything is a show and all the people who work in this wonderful world must always fulfill their role, to complete the magic of the place.
First impression

It is essential that the suit is always impeccable. Also, you cannot have any type of tattoo in visible places, nails with a natural color, and hair pulled back, unless your character requires another type of hairstyle.
Details that make the difference

In the park facilities, garbage cans are found every 25 steps. In case of seeing any debris on the floor, the staff must take charge, collect it and place it in the trash.
However, for this they must do a certain learned movement, since they cannot brake or lean to do it.
Workers say that this step is difficult to master, but it is mandatory because it is part of company policy.
Code V

One more detail about the Disney language is that the staff cannot say the word "vomit." In the event that there is an incident on the route, with one of the visitors, the staff members mention “Code V” on the radio.
No selfies

Disney's executives are very strict with the regulation that workers are prohibited from taking selfies behind the scenes. If you do, you will immediately be fired.
Mysterious shop

This is another proof that Disney works magic in all its projects. In the event that a visitor forgets a Walt Disney World property, it is automatically sent to a mystery shop, for a specified time.
From that moment on, anyone on the organization's staff can buy it. The money collected from these purchases are referred to charity.

In the park there are famous machines called "Smellitiziers" that disperse a specific aroma throughout the park. This smell is very similar to that of freshly baked cookies.
This is a strategy to generate buy in the candy stores of the stores of the site.
Place full of magic

A significant number of people who are Disney staff members are romantically engaged.
Despite not seeing him on stage, there are rumors that Peter Pan is dating Wendy. And that, on the other side of the park, Aladdin and Ariel, are also together. However, this is something that visitors are never going to find out about.
No one can know its interpretation

In addition to the demanding work when impersonating the characters, each of the workers are prohibited from saying their character.
In case they are asked, they can respond uniquely by saying: "I usually spend time with -name of your character" or "I am friends with -name of your character."
Disney concentrates on that they must do anything to maintain the charm of the site. The staff is so prepared that even with a deception or a joke, they tell who they impersonate.

One of the assignments for staff members is that in addition to behaving like the assigned character and dressing like him, they must necessarily sign as they do.
Disney provides them with training to perfect the signature of the character they must represent.
Walt's plane at Disney's Hollywood Studios

The plane that was used by Walt for specific excursions to Florida, what is now Disney World land, is kept in the backstage structures.
An iconic piece in the creation of said park, which can only be enjoyed by its employees.
There is always music

In the world of Disney workers, the music never ends because it never goes out on the park premises.
At the moment of closing the opening hours and closing the doors of the park so that nobody can enter, the music continues. Despite the fatigue of the day, the workers maintain their characteristic smile.
Badges on the uniform

It is essential that Disney World workers carry at least 12 pins on their chest, which must be interchangeable and the more they have, the better.
Speed lovers

The police officers in charge of the park's vehicular traffic tend to stop park workers more often than visitors. It is believed that they do not mind exceeding the speed limits, as no charges would be presented to them.
A single Universe

For the staff of this great company, it is forbidden to talk or recognize other characters or brands that are not included in the Disney Universe.
This makes the famous Disney magic not broken, since the union of certain characters would undoubtedly attract attention.
Always smiling team

The world of Disney in addition to managing rules regarding personal presentation, they prohibit their workers from frowning. During working hours, the staff must maintain an impeccable behavior in front of visitors.
The only case in which this is allowed is in the characters that deserve it. Otherwise, everyone should keep smiling.
Spend at Disney

Regardless of the hotel where the visitor is staying, whether in a Disney resort or a nearby hotel, they have the policy of sending your purchase to the place where you are staying.
In addition, they also have the option of withdrawing it by leaving the park at a certain time. In this way, it invites you to do some great shopping in the park.