¿Tiffany Mitchell invento un presunto accidente en moto solo para patrocinar una marca?

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Tiffany Mitchell, recreo un accidente en moto con el fin de darle publicidad a una marca de agua. Esto no cayó muy bien entre sus seguidores, que consideraron absurdo su comportamiento y un acto de burla frente a la cantidad de personas que mueren año tras año en siniestros que involucran las motos.

Aunque generalmente se dedica a promocionar recetas libres de gluten, eventualmente se observa a Tiffany Mitchell patrocinando alguna marca extraña a su rutina.

Foto retirada de su perfil

Todo inicio cuando hace unas semanas la influencer sufre un accidente de moto, donde solo termino con algunos rasguños y un susto. Pero, al momento de tomar fotografías para contar su historia, las poses de los participantes en el accidente son totalmente distintas a la de una persona accidentada que incluso fue aprovechado para subir una foto con una botella de agua marca Smartwater.

Nada ha sido recreado. Me entristece que algunas personas digáis esto, pero no es el caso. No sabía que me estaba haciendo las fotos, pero después me las enseñó y estoy agradecida de que haya capturado este momento tan intenso para mí, ha respondido ante las críticas. Respondio Tiffany Mitchell.

Sin embargo, las fotografías representan algo totalmente distinto. A lo que ella respondió que nunca haría algo así, por respeto a las personas que han muerto en accidentes de motos y además a sus seguidores. La compañía Smartwater, afirmo que no tienen contratos con Mitchell y que tampoco permitirían una campaña publicitaria de esta índole.

Las fotos fueron retiradas de su perfil, además subió varios videos explicando la situación y entre lágrimas asegura que ella no es así. Por último, publico la siguiente imagen con una nota que traduciremos al final.

Declaraciones de Tiffany Mitchell acerca de su accidente en Moto

He estado descubriendo cómo responder a todo lo que se ha desarrollado recientemente con respecto a la publicación que compartí hace 3 semanas sobre mi accidente de moto. No voy a entrar en esa publicación aquí (ver mi punto culminante de la historia de Moto Accident para todos los detalles), pero quiero hablar sobre las reacciones que he estado recibiendo al artículo que @buzzfeednews publicó sensacionalizando lo que pasé ese día, y burlándose de la publicación que compartí. Como resultado, me acusaron de organizar el accidente para llamar la atención, usándolo como una oportunidad de colocación de productos con una compañía de agua, y otras cosas que ni siquiera puedo entender. He estado compartiendo historias de la vida real aquí desde que comencé mi cuenta. Me abrí sobre el aborto espontáneo, el divorcio, la ansiedad, la pérdida de mi pareja en un accidente de moto hace 3 años y la navegación por el dolor que siguió. Elegí usar Instagram como una herramienta para sanar y conectarme con otros humanos que podrían estar pasando por cosas similares para que podamos hacerlo juntos. Y ha sido hermoso. Cuando trabajo con marcas, son las que personalmente disfruto, y divulgo cada patrocinio. Acusar a alguien de fingir o explotar un accidente es extremadamente grave, porque ¿qué pasa si te equivocas? Realmente me sucedió y estaba asustada. Realmente me lastimé y tuve que recuperarme. Estaba en estado de shock al costado del camino, teniendo recuerdos de cuando perdí a alguien muy importante para mí. Los amigos estaban a mi lado, desconocidos llamaron a una ambulancia, esperaron mientras me registraban y luego me llevaron a casa. Cuando descubrí que mi amigo fotógrafo profesional con el que había estado fotografiando anteriormente tomó fotos de todo, me conmovió por completo. Compartí esto en mi alimentación con humanos que han estado viajando conmigo durante años porque sabía que entenderían lo que significaba para mí y entendí lo que significaría para ellos. Me entristece que algo tan verdadero y personal haya sido tratado de esta manera, y me decepcionó que BuzzFeed lo hiciera girar allí. Solo preguntaría que si estás aquí por esto, considera que la publicación que hice fue algo real que sucedió en mi vida y que resonó profundamente conmigo y con aquellos que decidieron seguirme. Para eso estaba destinado.


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When I lost my Bitcoin worth $230,000 to scammers, I did a lot of research on how I can recover my BTC back. I tried so many contacts I came across, Wizard James Recovery turned out to be the perfect hacker for the job. I invested with this crypto company thinking that I made the right choice with my money and funny enough the careful me took this action without looking back at the consequences and it turned out to be the worst decision ever made, entrusting some stranger with my investment. Luckily for me I was able to recover it all back with help of this great hacker. Email him today on: wizardjamesrecovery@ usa. com to recover your stolen funds.

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Lost BTC Recovery Specialist

My sister and I wanted to come up with a beauty product company. She is really good in making her own beauty products that her coworkers and friends loved the products that they requested if she could make them at a price. Business was booming and we wanted to expand it but the cash to start up this company was very high and we did not have that capital. I looked around online on how we could come up with the cash and I came across someone’s testimony on how one can invest on cryptocurrency and get 50 percent profit. I spoke to my sister and we decided to invest $50,000. After I made the deposit, one week later, it became evident that they were experiencing serious operational problems because I was unable to withdraw any of my funds. I tried once again after 4 days and still the same thing happened. I started to panic after knowing that I had been scammed. I decided to reported to the authorities and there was nothing they could do to get these scammers or return my money. I came across a testimony on Goodreads on Software Specialist. I checked him out and I decided to contact him on his Email softwarespecialist@usa.com for his assistance. To cut the story short, Software really came through for me and my sister. He was able to recover our funds as well us the 50 percent profit. Thanks to him, my sister and I started our beauty product company. Contact him if for your recovery of funds and believe me, you will not regret it.

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The general trend of economic development has been towards cryptocurrencies, which people prefer to save with rather than banks. When they contacted me on Facebook posing as official blockchain assistance, I fell for their cunning scheme and lost my bitcoin to them. With the help of whatever information I provided, they were able to enter my blockchain wallet and steal my $9342,040 USD. Since all I had saved was here while I waited for the bitcoin rate to rise, I almost lost it. I explained my loss in a direct letter to the specialist (wizardjamesrecovery(at)usa(dot)com), to whom my sister-in-law referred me. In less than eight hours, he not only helped me start the treatment programme, but he also helped me get my cryptocurrency back.

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0 min de lectura

The general trend of economic development has been towards cryptocurrencies, which people prefer to save with rather than banks. When they contacted me on Facebook posing as official blockchain assistance, I fell for their cunning scheme and lost my bitcoin to them. With the help of whatever information I provided, they were able to enter my blockchain wallet and steal my $934,040 USD. Since all I had saved was here while I waited for the bitcoin rate to rise, I almost lost it. I explained my loss in a direct letter to the specialist (wizardjamesrecovery(at)usa(dot)com), to whom my sister-in-law referred me. In less than eight hours, he not only helped me start the treatment programme, but he also helped me get my cryptocurrency back.

Geraldo Leonard
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Geraldo Leonard
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I was told to keep paying more with no returns, just like other victims who had invested their cash in an investing platform in the hopes of making enormous gains.I made my first $58,040 worth of investments with my broker over the course of a week. I was told to make a second deposit of $58,040 before I could make any withdrawals, which I did. My bonus/profit was $280,000, and all of my attempts to make withdrawals were unsuccessful. I tried contacting the broker twice in two days, but I was still unable to make withdrawals. Since I was able to get my money back from these dishonest binary option companies, I truly do think of myself as one of the very few fortunate ones. I made every attempt to get my money back from them, but with no success. Eventually, a buddy who had gone through a similar situation suggested WIZARD JAMES AGENCY, a recovery company. I got in touch with him via his email, WIZARDJAMESRECOVERY (@) USA. COM, and with his technical expertise, he was able to easily retrieve all of the money that had been stolen. I heartily suggest him to anyone experiencing a similar situation.
