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End of the year movies

José Miguel Fernández Nápoles
7 min read
End of the year movies – Jose  Vale – WebMediums
Photo by Daria Yakovleva on Pixabay

And we sit comfortably, with those giant cartridges of popcorn, a liter and a half of Coke and say: get the party started!

It could also be while we clean the house, wash or drive to work, without popcorn or coke, without more special effects than those that the mind rolls in there.

What a year! We say some. Good thing it's over!

It has had ups and downs, others say. And the thriller of good moments begins to roll, with erotic scenes, daring trips, achievements and setbacks, setbacks and family members who have left.

Others pinch their navel and declare loudly:

It will have been bad for half the world, but I, Attila's horse, have made the most of it! I have more guts than a 500 kg tuna!

Those who have had a bad time, toast to a prosperous and happy new year:

I accept that you don't bring me anything, some beg, but please, don't take anyone else with you!

End of the year movies – Jose  Vale – WebMediums
"Farewell" by Rhodi Lopez on Unsplash

And others go to church, kneel in front of the icons of saints and virgins and pray in the hope of being heard, make promises and entrench themselves in their faith, praying that God will grant them their wishes: We beg you, hear us! !

While time makes the hands of the clocks move towards a new year, with human behaviors that are very similar: some already made offerings. They sacrificed animals and even Human Beings, they made processions, they prostrated themselves and prayers and more prayers come, so that the future, from the next five minutes, until the hundred years are the most favorable possible to my will.

Will there be something similar in the rest of the animal kingdom?

The answer seems to be a resounding no!

No dog or cat seems to wish that next year would be without masks or for the coronavirus to be extinguished.

Not even chickens or pigs, locked up in concentration camps, fed brutally so that they grow up and be edible as soon as possible, have the ability to wish that torture to end.

They may suffer the horrors of that life that we subject them to, but they are free from the torture of knowing that they are victims of human madness.

They do not have the capacity that we have to wish that next year is different, or even that the next minute will be different.

Do you have a grain of corn in front of you or do I think? Well, they eat it, period. There's water? They drink it.

A pigeon that lives in cities, does not pray for less pollution, does not know anything about global warming, does not count how its last year has been, not even the hour or minute before it is living.

End of the year movies – Jose  Vale – WebMediums
Photo by John Salvino on Unsplash

Should we give up the prodigious mind that we have, which allows us to be aware, evaluate the past and make projections for the future?

Should we deny the human and long to be a flock of sheep that the shepherd feeds and then slaughter?

A few hours ago, from the moment I am writing this article, Man has launched into outer space a wonderful instrument to observe the deep cosmos. This telescope will be able to capture the light that comes from distant galaxies, and instead we have not been able to observe something that is much simpler:

Our divine and imperishable essence!

Perhaps it is not a single step, or at least in my case, it has not been like that. I will try to present it in the simplest way possible.

First it was a suspicion:

Is there something in me that accompanies me and is it not my thoughts, emotions or feelings? A presence that underlies without making much noise, that pushes me to be in silence, in contact with nature, listening to the waterfall and the magic of the wind when it tangles in the leaves of the trees. A deep joy wrapped in gift wrap, listening to the soft crashing of the waves on the beach, the clamor of roosters at dawn in the field, the distant barking of dogs.

Is music a set of vibrations that reaches my ears and nothing else, or is it a mysterious hand that moves the rheostat of emotions and memories?

And little by little, as dawn breaks, that imperative need to search, like a stray dog rummages through the garbage to find something it has sniffed, the mysterious paths for the progressive approach, namely, without knowing with the logic that the senses demand, that I have no bloody idea who I am, but not even remotely, only what is seen with the naked eye.

What do I have an incredibly wise physical body, which regenerates the tissues of a wound, digests food and performs thousands of functions without my knowing it? Of that I have no doubts, it is in sight. Me and all human beings, animals and plants.

That I am swimming in an emotional world where I feel happy as a worm at one point and then sad as an oyster?

We are all aware of that, because it is there every day.

That I have a mental world that seems like a geyser of thoughts, non-stop, more or less coherent when I am awake and mysteriously chaotic when I sleep? Who could doubt it?

And that's it? Am I just that?

End of the year movies – Jose  Vale – WebMediums
Photo by Lucas Ludwig on Unsplash

Yes man, an em with capital letters.

So, as if the idea that the teacher appears when the student is ready, books began to appear, information from other sources that technology made available to me, people appeared in my life, situations, circumstances, who have ridden me in the car, and they have lovingly brought me up to NOW.

Near-death experiences of people who, when I have heard them, when I have seen their eyes in a video, I have said to myself: this is not a fake, nor a skillful search engine for likes or followers.

Reincarnation cases in which parents tell the story of their child who had nightmares and began to investigate until they found what really caused them.

People who have put at the service of all their enormous loving and altruistic effort, research, searches for the profound teachings that other teachers whose voices have been weakened, if not lost in time, and now they are amplified in new.

Until as a final result, or at least more recent, I immerse myself in the empowerment of that wisdom devoid of logic and reasons, away from the minuscule influence of the "dissatisfied child that is my ego" and an urgent need to love everything emerges manifested.

Love that is unconditional acceptance of the letters that superior intelligence gives us every day, which translates into doing in every moment of my life, the best that I know and the best that I can, that which springs from my heart.

Love that translates into respect for that which I also am, my physical, mental and emotional body, loving care and a growing admiration, as thanks to the other that I also am: my divine and imperishable part.

Now, with that new paradigm, I can stop for a moment and re-compose my New Year's wish for everyone:

"I wish you with all my heart that the new year will be, as it surely will be: a continuum of present moments, where we will have free will and depending on each one of those small decisions, the infinite wisdom of God will once again put before each one of us, exactly what is best for us for the development of our consciousness and our evolutionary process" Happy New Year!
