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Embassy of the European Union in kyiv is reopened

After the withdrawal of Russian troops from the vicinity of the Ukrainian capital and the nascent sense of calm, the European Union decided to reopen its Kiev embassy, six weeks after Moscow began its invasion of Ukraine.
The information was released by the diplomatic representative, Matti Maasikas, through the Twitter social network.
In addition, he announced that on his first day of work in Ukraine he has helped the Government fill out the form that President Volodímir Zelenski received days ago for the incorporation of this country into the European Union.
The reopening takes place after the High Representative of the EU, Josep Borrell, and the President of the Commission of the European Union, Ursula von der Leyen, visited Ukraine last Friday and the conditions regarding security in the city were evidenced.
Borrell stressed that this reopening of the embassy will facilitate and strengthen relations between the EU and Ukraine. As well as supporting this country in the midst of a military invasion by Russia.
Since Russia decided to withdraw troops from the vicinity of Kiev, Ukraine has had great diplomatic rapprochements, however, in other cities such as Mariupol, the clashes continue. The Moscow military and pro-Russian militias continue to gain ground in Donbas.