Joao Maleck's freedom in danger after new evidence

1 min de lectura

Surely you remember that the famous soccer player Joao Maleck in previous weeks had a car accident where his car collided with another. In the other car were two people whose names were María Fernanda and Alejandro Castro, a couple of young people who died just on their wedding day.

Alejandro Castro was the father of two girls, even the mother of one of them granted the pardon to Joao Maleck. The footballer managed to get out without charges for speeding and blood alcohol. Everything seemed to have had a solution and that his life was once again arranged, however his freedom could be in danger again after new evidence.

Maleck had a month to reach an agreement with the family of the deceased, but the family of María Fernanda was not satisfied, so they resorted to changing their lawyer. The new lawyer is named Ala Rassk and assures that she will start from scratch due to the new evidence where the young man is presumed if he could be guilty.

Joao Maleck's freedom in danger after new evidence – News – WebMediums
Joao maleck
