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Joe Biden announces that the next few weeks will be difficult for omicron and will increase the purchase of antiviral pills

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Joe Biden announces that the next few weeks will be difficult for omicron and will increase the...
New Omicron variant

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, announced to the country that the coming weeks will be difficult due to the increase in the new Omicron variant, Biden encourages all citizens to continue with all sanitary hygiene measures against COVID-19.

Words from Joe Biden to all the citizens of the country

Joe Biden announces that the next few weeks will be difficult for omicron and will increase the...
Joe Biden speech

I know we are all tired and frustrated by the pandemic. These next few weeks will be complex. Please wear your masks in public to protect yourself and others. Let's get over this. Let's get through it together.

We have the tools to protect people from serious omicron diseases if people choose to use the tools. We have the drugs that can save lives and drastically reduce the impact that Covid-19 has had in our country.

Biden has said that we must have faith and hope for this year that begins, taking advantage of everything that is available to be able to combat the new omicron variant that has been very contagious in the United States.

Ómicron and the children in the open schools

Joe Biden announces that the next few weeks will be difficult for omicron and will increase the...
Illustration of kids studying

Joe Biden, I advise all parents of children who are attending classes to a vaccination process for their children if they are eligible to receive the vaccine. Biden, thinks that schools should remain open, as long as all precautionary measures against Covid-19 are met.

The Biden administration has focused a lot on the American Rescue Plan, a plan that was signed by Biden in March, to transport all students and keep it safe. All states are given $130 billion to keep students safe and schools stay open.

The United States Announces To Double The Purchase Of Pfizer Antiviral Pills Against Covid-19

Joe Biden announces that the next few weeks will be difficult for omicron and will increase the...
Pfizer antiviral pills against COVID-19

The government announced that they will double the purchase of antiviral pills from Pfizer, the antiviral pill has given very favorable results, it has reduced hospitalizations and serious illnesses.

The United States is the country with the most antiviral pills Pfizer has and will continue to increase as more are manufactured. Biden directed his team to work with Pfizer to double the order for the pills, from 10 million to 20 million treatments.

Many more pills may be needed, but at the moment it is okay. The first order was delivered on Christmas Eve and will continue to ship these next few weeks.
