Presidency loses non-reelection document signed by AMLO

Suria Ibañez
1 min read

In Mexico there is a controversy because on March 19 President Andrés Manuel López Obrador signed a document in his morning conference that he publicly showed, in which he expressed his commitment to non-reelection.

Presidency loses non-reelection document signed by AMLO – News – WebMediums

However, that document does not exist according to the presidential office when the National Institute for Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI) requested a certified copy of the document.

At that time, even the President affirmed that in 2024 he would retire to a ranch that he owns in the city of Palenque, in the State of Chiapas, which is called “La Chingada”.

So what happened?

The presidential office stated that it did an exhaustive search in all the places without success, however they made available an electronic version which generated mistrust about the search.

Therefore, the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI) declared that said document must be delivered by the office of the presidency with the information presented at that time in a certified copy.

If you do not remember said document do not worry, here I leave it.

Presidency loses non-reelection document signed by AMLO – News – WebMediums
Non-reelection letter
Presidency loses non-reelection document signed by AMLO – News – WebMediums
Non-reelection letter 2
