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Tinder will give access to the criminal records of its users in the United States
Among the records to which they will be able to access are financial crimes, crimes involving victims, as well as sexual or domestic assaults

Today many people use digital applications to make a date and possibly find love; but sometimes those encounters don't go well at all, since at the end of the day they don't know who is on the other side of the screen.
In this sense, Tinder has announced that it will offer its users in the United States the possibility of accessing the criminal records of their possible dates.
For this purpose, the North American platform joined with the Garbo company, a non-profit company that is in charge of searching people's public records, such as sexual records, convictions, or arrests within the United States.
Garbo was created by a female survivor of domestic violence named Kathryn Kosmides.
How will the background check on Tinder work?
To make use of this tool, you will need to have information about the other person, such as their first name, last name, age, telephone number, or date of birth.
Once the user has this information, they can search through the app's Security Center.
Initially, the application will offer two free searches per user, and then they must pay Garbo directly to continue financing their research with that money.
Among the records to which they may have access are financial crimes that have occurred in the last seven (7) years, crimes involving victims that occurred 14 years ago, as well as sexual or domestic assaults, with no time limit.
Another security feature that Tinder offers is verification through a selfie, which is indicated in the profiles with a blue checkmark, thus generating a little more security for other users.
What is Tinder?
Tinder is a free dating platform, in which a person creates a profile with photos and a descriptive biography.
The app is available for mobile devices with Android and iOS operating systems and through its official website.
Users can use the “Swipe” function to the right to like another user and to the left to discard it. They can also segment the search by location, gender, age, or distance.
Tinder registers 55 billion matches, in more than 190 countries.