Ariana Grande interacts with her fans on social networks

3 min de lectura

Her Instagram account @arianagrande has no less than 160 million followers and rising, this places her among the artists with the most followers on social networks, but the young star has a title that she considers much more valuable than the number of followers: Her Fans consider Ariana Grande the most sympathetic, friendly and fun artist with her followers through social networks.

Since the beginning of the year, when Ariana Grande surpassed Selena Gomez in number of followers, many have understood that Ariana's personality and spark has a lot to do with it. Not only is she more active on social networks (every fan wants to see many photos of everything their favorite star does), she also interacts with her followers, even creating games for it.

Ariana Grande interacts with her fans on social networks – Showbiz

A game of Ariana Grande with her followers on Instagram became a trend in several countries

There is no better way to understand the relationship and interaction of this girl with her millions of followers than with the example of one of her games on Instagram:

Ariana Grande published a message asking her followers to publish all a message with their faces to know them as they are and for this immediately millions of followers began to publish messages with the HT #SelfiesForAriana, everyone's surprise was capitalized when the HT was made! Trend in various countries and world trend!

In the case of this game, it took a turn that made it even more interesting and that is that Ariana's fans, excited by this gesture, began to send beautiful messages thanking the artist for taking them into account in that way, something that moved her, but he always responded with a motivating message:

“I would love to meet all of you, that makes me happy. But also sad when not everyone puts their faces in the photos or puts emojis on their faces or does not want to be in them. You show me your unconditional love all the time, no matter what I look like. They deserve to show themselves as is, with that same love. Please learn to surrender. They will make it, they deserve it. I love them in any way. Sweet dreams”, Ariana Grande responded to her followers.

On Twitter, Ariana Grande comments on followers' tweets and answers questions

The issue goes beyond Instagram, Ariana really comments and responds to followers on all her social networks, which shows that it is part of her personality, that she is not an artist with superiority complexes or full of ego and on the contrary, He treats his fans as his equals and enjoys commenting and having fun with them through the networks.

Her fans have always highlighted this important element of Ariana Grande's character, calling her "The Queen of Instagram" and many wishes that the entire industry would take an example of the excellent treatment that Ariana Grande gives her followers.

Ariana Grande interacts with her fans on social networks – Showbiz
