Beyoncé shows her obsession with adidas on Instagram and millions of fans react
The super diva Beyoncé uploaded a couple of photos to her Instagram account among dozens of different models of adidas shoes, in addition to wearing a sexy adidas garment on her body, which caused a sensation among her followers. The first of his post had more than 7,000,000 likes and over 90,000 comments.

The fans of the singer and excellent dancer already know about her taste for that brand, specifically in terms of publications doing exercises that she has published, she usually uses some adidas garments for it.
In one of the photos, she appears standing in the corner of the room full of adidas shoes, demonstrating her irresistible curves and hips that have nothing to envy Kim Kardashian.
How much does it cost to have as many adidas shoes in your closet as Beyoncé?
It would be better not to ask, but for a diva like Beyoncé it is not exactly an investment that is going to ruin her, in addition to the publicity and benefits that may be involved.