Pilar Rubio's great body with a delicate Bikini

3 min de lectura

At the end of the holidays, Pilar Rubio, is fantastic in a photo dressed in a small blue bikini. Next week she returns to El Hormiguero, from Antena3, to continue with her work this season, with its special section that has its own fans, and they are very numerous, making her one of the protagonists of the program.

Little by little and after a summer of trips and social activities, she goes back to her usual life, recharged with energy.

And it is that this summer period was full of intense emotions, since she married Sergio Ramos on June 15, a little before the beginning of the summer, then they traveled to Costa Rica for their honeymoon and then to Egypt with their children. In addition to making a place to visit the United States with her friends.

Everything is covered, and her family outings are registered on her Instagram, since Pilar shares with her more than 3,000,000 followers the most gratifying events of her life.

After 40 years and with three pregnancies, I see her fabulous posing very relaxed and fresh in a small bikini.

Pilar Rubio's great body with a delicate Bikini – Showbiz – WebMediums

She even has the luxury of posing on her back, wearing mini shorts and sunglasses, a hippie chic look for a photo shared on Instagram that had more than 80,000 likes.

It is that Sergio Ramo's wife boasts of her body, because she is beautiful and works very hard to stay in shape, since she trains four days a week with a personal trainer and as an extra activity she performs kickboxing.

Her coach, Noa Todeo, has explained in an interview the routine that Pilar follows, planned with functional exercises to strengthen the muscles, performed with the weight of her own body or with accessories such as weights or elastic bands.

Kickboxing is practiced with a martial arts expert, David Dominguez, and is a great activity to tone your arms, legs, abdomen and buttocks, while burning calories.

The combination of the two activities demonstrate their effectiveness in the extraordinary body that Pilar Rubio wears.

But care also comes from within, the presenter has stated on several occasions that she carries out a healthy eating plan, controlled by a nutrition professional.

Obviously taking care of the body takes a great task, time, effort and that must be sustained over time, almost a philosophy of life, which Pilar is determined to maintain.

Pilar Rubio's great body with a delicate Bikini – Showbiz – WebMediums
