Taylor Swift and the sweet song for her mom
Andrea Swift suffers a cancer relapse this year. Taylor Swift's recently released album "Lover" has the most emotional song the singer has composed to date.

The singer spoke especially moved about this song in the meeting with her fans broadcast through YouTube, on the occasion of the launch of her album.
The track 'Soon You'll Get Better' has been translated into Spanish as 'Muy Pronto Estarás Mejor' and refers to her wish for her breast to get better, as her breast cancer has reappeared this year.
The star shared in January that a medical check-up had confirmed the recurrence of the cancer that Andrea Finlay had fought four years earlier.
Very sad news for the whole family, Taylor has stated that it was very hard for her to assimilate this news.
But like bad things, they can be transformed into good things, to deal with pain, nothing better than unleashing creativity by generating good energy.
The lyrics of the song say "And I hate to think only of myself / but what am I supposed to do now? / Who am I going to talk to / if I don't have you? ". The singer has commented that they had a family meeting to discuss whether the song would be published on the album, the decision was made together.

But she herself clarifies that she cannot sing it in public, the emotions are very strong.
In March of this year, she was questioned that she had gained weight, and she commented in this regard that she understood that she must accept and love herself, that this is not bad, it is not a problem.
In an interview, she stated that in her life she has had to deal with serious illnesses in her family, since both her father and her mother have suffered from cancer.
Living day by day with this horrible disease, she explained that for her there are real problems and then everything else comes. In reference to the reality of her breast cancer, which is what really worries her.
And the love for his mother transformed it into a song. Perhaps with the least expected theme, he returned to his country roots and recorded this new track with the girl band Dixie Chicks.
Emotional, sensitive, focused on her family, Taylor leaves confrontations behind, ignoring the usual haters, this allowed her to write this beautiful song dedicated to Andrea Swift.